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I need suggestions!

POLAND | Thursday, 8 March 2007 | Views [2130] | Comments [7]

I've got 9 days holiday in May and I do not want to spend them in Warsaw.  The only other place I was considering in Poland was Gdansk but apparently that's where everyone in Warsaw is going (maybe I'll go there over Easter, although it will probably be a pointless journey).

So where should I go?

Naturally Russia was the first place that sprung to mind.  I've also been toying with the idea of going to Turkey as I'm not sure that I'll be headed in that direction again.

Money is obviously an issue.  I'm earning Zlotys people.

I saw an ad for flights to Paris for 29zl (about $13), but it was a while ago so I'm sure they're sold out.  It was also a Russian airline ...


Tags: The Planning Phase



Go to Belarus! It's right next to Poland. The home of the legendary Anatoly Petkevich. :D

By way of explanation, he's a painter. Not a particularly famous one but he does do the most gorgeous paintings of young ladies dressed in skimpy silk robes.

On my recent cruise I forked out an insane amount of money at an art auction to buy one of his paintings. It's really special and Oh My God the model in the picture is Hot with a capital 'H' but I have to go back to Domino's for a month to help pay it off.

This is your mission: Track Mr Petkevich down somewhere in Belarus and try to get the name and phone number of the model in the painting entitled "Posing". Then pass said phone number on to yours truly!

On a slightly more serious note I'm considering dropping by Poland on my way over to the UK. Would the spare room at your place be available in early April? I'm thinking round about the 7th or 8th.

  Daniel Mar 9, 2007 1:44 PM


Actually, Belarus is on my list. I have to check out visa requirements though. On the plus side I don't think it would take more than 8 hours to get to Minsk by train.

You must have really liked that painting. Either that or you secretly don't want to leave Dominos ... I think you just missed the place and wanted an excuse to go back, hence the spending spree.

I checked with my flatmates. That should be okay. Just keep in mind that you'll be coming around Easter. Poland - very Catholic country.

On the plus side I will probably be in quite a good mood because I'll have 5 days off work and my flat mates probably won't be here. Not that there's anything wrong with them ...

On the minus side it's Easter.

Anyway, let me know what you decide ASAP because if you decide not to visit I'll probably try to find somewhere to stay in Gdansk over the break.

  twoflower Mar 10, 2007 9:02 PM


May is a right time to come to Saint Petersburg, Russia: they’ve already started to draw the bridges, and one of the reasons people come to the city is to observe this affecting spectacle; if you are going to travel at the end of may, fountains in Peterhof (a world-known town near Saint Petersburg) will have already been turned on, and then you should come to Peterhof and enjoy the beauty itself: palaces, fountains, the park…; May is the beginning of so-called “white nights” when you there is almost no darkness all day and night long! Other famous sights of the city are available at any time of the year, but without any doubt it’s much more interesting to be in the city in a warm season (and May is warm) because it is pleasant to walk along the streets and look at old marvelous buildings, numerous canals and rivers, statues and monuments… Unfortunately, the end of spring and summer are the most expensive tourism seasons in Saint Petersburg, so maybe hotels will not be cheap, but you can try a mini-hotel (http://www.hotels-of-saint-petersburg.com/mini-hotels.html ) or a three star hotel ( http://www.hotels-of-saint-petersburg.com/3-star-hotels.html ). I prefer mini-hotels because they are comfortable and noiseless, comparably cheap and at the same time situated in or near the center, and it’s very important: of course you can get to the center on subway or by bus, but when you actually live in the center you can walk every evening not depending on transport. As for airplane companies: as far as I know the cheapest one is Transaero (http://www.transaero.com/), but other companies sometimes grant good discounts, so you can search in the internet. A nice trip to you!!!

  AngieN Apr 25, 2007 5:46 PM


Daniel my friend. I fell victim to your exact circumstances. Boat cruise, art gallery, drop dead gorgeous girl in painting, forked out cash. Now here's the thing....if you do ever cross paths with Mr Petkevich by any chance, then finding the girl in "posing" will be easy. It's his daughter. Good Luck!!

  Emmanuel Mar 21, 2008 4:02 PM


Can you imagine that Anatoly Petkevich is my uncle? I am from Belarus but now I live in Prague. I am waiting for your answering. :))

  Alena Nov 11, 2008 2:49 AM


Hi Alena, have you ever posed for him? I too have just purchased one of your uncles pictures, "Reminiscent" is that you?. I saw the painting and fell in love with it. Your uncle obviously loves women!

  Stephen Sep 20, 2009 10:57 PM


Hi Alena, have you ever posed for him? I too have just purchased one of your uncles pictures, "Reminiscent" is that you?. I saw the painting and fell in love with it. Your uncle obviously loves women!

  Stephen Sep 20, 2009 10:58 PM

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