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A Hop, Skip, and an Ocean Away

Trip: Bois le Comte

There are [6] stories from my trip: Bois le Comte

Last Day at The Count's Forest

BELGIUM | Monday, 21 Jun 2010 | Views [458]

Today is our last day at Bois le Comte and we couldn't be happier! The beginning of the week went by pretty quickly, but unfortunately the last few days were marred by some negative interactions with Luc. Instead of dwelling on those, however, we prefer ... Read more >

The Energy of Bois le Comte

BELGIUM | Monday, 14 Jun 2010 | Views [373]

Saturday night we decided to skip dinner and walk with Adam to a nearby village, Williers. It's supposed to be about 5km or so. Our aim was to have some non-vegan food and sit on the patio drinking some Belgian beers. However, we got hopelessly lost ... Read more >

This Place is Growing on Us

BELGIUM | Friday, 11 Jun 2010 | Views [336]

It's Friday and it's the first sunny day since Monday. It's absolutely gorgeous here when the buildings and fields are bathed in sunshine. Bois le Comte is growing on us a little more each day. The meals are actually quite delicious - maybe we are ... Read more >

Best Meal of our Lives

BELGIUM | Thursday, 10 Jun 2010 | Views [443]

Wednesday evening another wwoof volunteer and 2 other volunteers arrived. I think our volunteer house is about full now with 8 people, but we still don't really see anyone outside of meals and work. I guess they just lay around reading in their rooms.... Read more >

Photos: Bois le Comte

BELGIUM | Thursday, 10 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Wwoofing at Bois le Comte

BELGIUM | Wednesday, 9 Jun 2010 | Views [844]

Welllllll. We have been here at Boie le Comte in Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium for two days now. We arrived on Monday afternoon before dinner. We were already a little nervous about this place from the packet we received prior to our arrival and we knew ... Read more >