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A Hop, Skip, and an Ocean Away

Trip: Montpellier

There are [5] stories from my trip: Montpellier

Our Last Days in Montpellier

FRANCE | Friday, 6 Aug 2010 | Views [570]

On Sunday morning we got up early because Stephanie's train was at 9am. We weren't meeting our next host, Tiana, until noon so we had quite a bit of time to kill. We ended up camping out at McDonalds so we could use the free wifi. We took a tram to ... Read more >

An Amazing Day in the French Countryside

FRANCE | Friday, 6 Aug 2010 | Views [619]

We slept in on Saturday morning and then went with Stephanie to Cafe Riche - where they also provide free wifi. We did a little work on the computer and then went back to Stephanie's to get ready for the day. We had planned on meeting Nam around noon ... Read more >

Photos: Montpellier

FRANCE | Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 151 photos >>

Beach, Wine, & Montpellier

FRANCE | Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 | Views [951] | Comments [3]

Friday morning was Stephanie's final day at her internship in Montpellier so we left around 8am with plans to meet her around 1pm for a trip to the beach. There aren't too many places open that early in the morning so we took advantage of the crisp, ... Read more >

Arriving in Montpellier

FRANCE | Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 | Views [374]

Until last Wednesday afternoon we had no idea where we would be going next. We hadn't heard from anyone on Couchsurfing and many of the hostels in nearby cities were completely booked. It wasn't until we heard from Stephanie in Montpellier that we actually ... Read more >