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“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Passport & Plate - Nandani's Sri Lankan brinjal curry

SRI LANKA | Thursday, 5 Mar 2015 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Ingredients 500g eggplant – sliced in wedges like chips 2 green chilli finely diced 1 onion thinly sliced 2 tomatoes roughly diced 1 level teaspoon of minced garlic 1 level teaspoon of minced ginger 1 teaspoon chilli powder ½ teaspoon pepper ... Read more >
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Tags: 2015 Passport & Plate: SRI LANKA

Breathtaking Africa

BOTSWANA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2013 | Views [542]

Well this is very late but hey better late than never! Limited internet connection throughout Africa meant the blog didn’t get updated and it was back to the old school journal writing!   If I wrote about all my amazing experiences in ... Read more >

Photos: Namibia

NAMIBIA | Thursday, 24 Jan 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 24 Jan 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 8 Dec 2012 | Views [327]

Well 7 weeks in the UK has flown by and it’s time for me to begin the last leg of my journey and head to Africa where some much longed for sun will welcome me!   Despite the cold weather and trying to acclimatise to the lack of sun I ... Read more >

Life in the motherland

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 16 Nov 2012 | Views [763]

This blog update is long overdue but surprisingly I don’t have too much to report on, just living a bit more of a regular life here in the UK as compared to the jam packed adventures of travelling from place to place.   It’s absolutely ... Read more >

Goodbye Spain

SPAIN | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [488]

My time has come to an end in Spain and it’s back to the UK I go. Things didn’t really work out at my internship so I decided it was best to head back to where my family are and see if I can pick up some casual work while I’m there ... Read more >

Freelancing in Sevilla - protestors march against budget cuts

SPAIN | Monday, 22 Oct 2012 | Views [385] | Video

Protestors took to the streets in Sevilla on Saturday, October 13, to march against the government’s budget cuts and proposed bailout.   Their banner stating ‘we don't owe, we won’t pay’ lead the group of around 500 ... Read more >

My life as a journalist in Spain

SPAIN | Monday, 8 Oct 2012 | Views [1000]

After the mishap of the car breaking down from my last post, yes I’ve learnt my lesson, the rest of that week went by pretty smoothly. While the office is in a beautiful location it’s not exactly ideal in terms of accessibility. A tree fell ... Read more >

Spanish siesta’s, paella, churros oh and work….

SPAIN | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 | Views [1073]

Spanish life is going well for me, the Spanish diet is not going so well or should I say it’s going down a little too easy. Paella, churros, crepes, baguettes, jamón (delicious ham), chorizo and salami are the staples of my diet; perhaps ... Read more >

Photos: Spain

SPAIN | Sunday, 23 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

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SPAIN | Sunday, 23 Sep 2012 | Views [397]

Life in Spain has begun with my two month stay underway. With my Spanish extremely limited I have been thrown in head first, struggling to keep up with conversations and as yet only able to say basic sentences at best.... Read more >

Istanbul - a charming surprise

TURKEY | Friday, 21 Sep 2012 | Views [637]

If the airport was anything to go by Istanbul was going to be a challenge. Rude visa staff barking orders and demanding US dollars despite the sign on the window saying pounds were accepted. Never ending queues to get through passport ... Read more >

Photos: Istanbul

TURKEY | Friday, 21 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

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When it all starts to come apart

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012 | Views [572]

It can’t all go smoothly for too long when it comes to travel and there is bound to be some drama along the way. While there are many great experiences and those at home are envious of the carefree life that you are living there is almost ... Read more >

Photos: Prague 2012

CZECH REPUBLIC | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Morocco - 'you like you buy, very good quality'

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 15 Sep 2012 | Views [545]

Where to begin with my tales of the beautiful and intriguing Marrakech! I found myself thrown into the chaos of the city, deposited on a sidewalk in the bustling Jemma el fna square, the intense and draining heat, chaotic traffic and mass ... Read more >

Photos: Morocco

MOROCCO | Friday, 14 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

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UK - from city living to country life

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 31 Aug 2012 | Views [1375]

My two weeks in the UK is almost up and I must say it will be hard to leave and begin the next chapter of my trip. I have had such a wonderful time seeing my family again, catching up with friends who have now made London their home and enjoying ... Read more >

Photos: UK

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 31 Aug 2012 | Photo Gallery

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