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luggage rack slumber

INDIA | Friday, 7 Mar 2008 | Views [680] | Comments [1]

A couple of weeks back, while I was still traveling with Noah, Kyle, and Haley, we were making our way from the east coast of Southern India to the west.  The longest stretch of this venture was the train from Madurai to Kovallam.   When we tried to ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

where gods tread

INDIA | Tuesday, 4 Mar 2008 | Views [556]

I am in a Picasso desert: Hampi.  This place invokes another era and another planet entirely.  Dozens and dozens of ancient temple ruins from the 14th and 15th century are situated between enormous hills that consist of giant stone and boulder.  It seems ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


INDIA | Sunday, 2 Mar 2008 | Views [539]

India has a keen ability of challenging every established thought and opinion of the world and this existence - no matter how inconsequential or small that perception may seem.  At times it's utterly maddening, other moments it's the most beautiful gift.... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Day 1 and we are television stars

INDIA | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Views [1037] | Comments [2]

Although my first day here seems like ages ago - I'm finally taking the time to jot it down. While waiting for my backpack to arrive in Chennai, Noah, Haley, Kyle and I decided to check out the Tamil Nadu studios (the second largest producer of Indian ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Gallery: Chennai to Goa

INDIA | Monday, 25 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

the february crew
See all 113 photos >>

here's the general skeleton

INDIA | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Views [2027]

ahhhh...where to start?  I've been in India for a week and a half now.  Kinda hard to believe - so much has happened I feel like I've been here for months.  At the moment I'm traveling with 3 exceptional people: my good friend Noah from way back in the ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

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