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Rosi & Jen's 11 Thousand Beach Odyssey Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do, then the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream...."

We're home, we're trailer trash and we're bloody luvin' it!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 1 September 2008 | Views [1082] | Comments [2]

Well we finally made it home from South East Asia.  What a trip.  It seems a bit like a dream these days. We have been frantically preparing for our next journey around OZ and haven't really had much time to sit back, relax and think about all we did over there. 

We've bought a sexy Jeep Grand Cherokee Diesel 4WD and an off-road Nova Caravan which is being built at the moment and should be ready in the next week or so.  We've been madly getting UHF radios and bullbars installed on the car, researching places to go and work opportunities in the Northern Territory, buying Sat Nav and mellamine dinner plates.  It's been absolutely great catching up with our famiy and friends.  Jen's mum is a great cook!  We've slept on more lounge room floors in the past two months than we ever wish to again.  It will be so good to finally get into the caravan so we have a permanent bed and can actually pack things away.  We've been living out of a backpack since February.  It's wearing a bit thin. 

As soon as we get the caravan the plan is to head up to Darwin pretty swiftly to catch up with my family (more trailer trash grey nomads) and then we will stay there for a few months and get some work.  Jen is keen to go back on the pearl boats and I don't really mind what I do as long as I'm not doing anything remotely similar to what I did before.

After that who knows - Western Australia maybe..I hear the fishing is pretty good over there.

I have a feeling we're going to love this nomad life on the road.  There is 11 thousand beaches in Australia and we plan to see every single one of them so watch this space.

Tags: caravans, grey nomads, travelling around australia



Hope this new leg of your trip is even better than the last! Many adventures to come. If you find a beach that's as good as the one at Lalaanta, let me know-- I'm there!

Safe travels, and have a blast!

Rheanna Bates

  Rheanna Bates Sep 2, 2008 1:36 PM


Breaker Breaker, Grand Cherokee do you read me?

  Deon Sep 3, 2008 12:53 PM

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