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raspberry's rambles

Gallery: From Naarden Vesting to Home

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Efteling, Christmas, yada yada yada

NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 5 Jan 2008 | Views [851]

It's been a very busy time over Christmas and New Year and I haven't had much time to update or even add comments to all those Efteling pics I posted up a few days back. So to get back to Dec 21, we went to Efteling which is a Fairytale Park. It was ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Efteling Part 2

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 28 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 54 photos >>

Gallery: Efteling Part 1

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 28 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 57 photos >>

Gallery: Xmas tree

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 21 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

Gallery: Amsterdam

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 18 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 15 photos >>

It's cold!

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 18 Dec 2007 | Views [513] | Comments [3]

It's freezing! literally. :( Apparently it is going to be about 2 today. I've got two layers of pants on which I had warming over the heater and I can already feel my skin getting cold. Anyways, we went to Amsterdam on Thursday last to see the Rijksmuseum ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Sinterklaas

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 7 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 30 photos >>

Gallery: Making boerenkool met worst

NETHERLANDS | Thursday, 6 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 24 photos >>


NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2007 | Views [391]

Today is Sinterklaas! Joepie! That means I get presents from Sinterklaas a.k.a Ronald and I get to give pressies too! I love giving pressies! Traditionally the gift are meant to arrive mysteriously on your doorstep in a sack - however somebody forget ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

I'm here!!!

NETHERLANDS | Monday, 19 Nov 2007 | Views [589] | Comments [7]

Joepie!! I've made it to Dutchland. The flight was relatively breezy as far as flights go. From Melbourne to Singapore I had two meals, watched two movies and the flight was practically over. I had the aisle so I got up and walked about whenever I felt ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Party!

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 11 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

My bye bye barbecue
See all 20 photos >>

Gallery: market, icecream and koko

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 9 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

food and stuff
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Sunday at the market and Koko Black

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 9 Nov 2007 | Views [684] | Comments [4]

Sunday was absolutely miserable weather. The wettest day Melbourne had seen in two years. Of course that was the day I decided on my last trip to the city with my parents and brother for some koko black hot chocolate and a trip to the South Melbourne ... Read more >

Tags: Markets

That n thingy

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [419] | Comments [8]

Can everybody else see that little n button? It's annoying the crap out of me, it's some link to facebook thing and I want it to go away. Grrrrrr

Tags: The Planning Phase

It's November!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [442] | Comments [10]

Well I'm excited, November is finally here and in exactly two weeks I will be with Ronald in Nederland! Just testing out my new journal to see how it works.

Tags: The Planning Phase