Joepie!! I've made it to Dutchland. The flight was relatively breezy as far as flights go. From Melbourne to Singapore I had two meals, watched two movies and the flight was practically over. I had the aisle so I got up and walked about whenever I felt like it. Then it was two hours in Singapore. I was so loaded up with hand luggage that I only got as far as moving from the gate we got out at all the way down to the other end of the airport to the gate I was going to get on at and stopped moving from there. I almost lost my jacket in Singapore which would have been a disaster considering it is near winter here. I got off the plane and managed to get it back thankfully. Then I was really lucky too, the plane was 3/4 empty. I had the entire row of seats to myself. I managed about 5 hours sleep stretched out across them. It was still a huge drag though. 13 hours of straight flying which took forever. Especially the nearer we were getting to Amsterdam and the closer I knew I was getting to Ronald.
The airport was a breeze too. I went through the EU line and didn't get asked a single question unlike the other internationals. My luggage all arrived with me and came out pretty quick. The customs was just a couple dudes standing there, no x-rays or anything. And since then a whole lot of bliss. :)
Ronald took me home and there was a beautiful bunch of roses waiting for me and a banner saying "Welkom Thuis Barbora" (in case you don't understand that, it says Welcome Home Barbora).
Will post a couple pics in the gallery. :)