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As the Wind Blows

Trip: A Roman Holiday

There are [9] stories from my trip: A Roman Holiday

Week 25: Pompeii and Vesuvius

ITALY | Thursday, 8 Sep 2011 | Views [769]

I’ve never been so terrified during a Doctor Who episode until I re-watched the Fires of Pompeii with the knowledge that I would be there soon. Of course I was being ridiculous, because Vesuvius looked like a sweet and innocent mountain when we were ... Read more >

Photos: Vesuvius and Pompeii

ITALY | Thursday, 8 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Week 25: Tiovoli: Hadrian’s Villa and Ville D’Este

ITALY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Views [431]

If I haven’t made a big enough deal about it in my previous entry – Rome makes a package on people who love ruins. And it’s not just in Rome, there are day trips to places outside Rome to see the ancient ruins. Tiovoli is one of them and of course ... Read more >

Photos: Tiovoli: Hadrian's Villa

ITALY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Tiovoli: Villa D'Este

ITALY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Week 25: Ancient and Modern Rome

ITALY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Views [575]

You can’t escape ancient Rome in this city. It’s everywhere! There are ancient structures or ruins just lying around or being excavated at the speed only Italians can complete a job. Famous ruins like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum are of course well ... Read more >

Photos: Rome

ITALY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

See all 51 photos >>

Week 25: Vatican City and Christian Rome

VATICAN CITY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Views [581]

They say that it’ll take you approximately 20 years to see everything on display in the Vatican Museum if you spend two minutes in front of each statue, painting and other pieces on display. Considering my achievement of spending two hours at the National ... Read more >

Photos: Vatican City

VATICAN CITY | Wednesday, 7 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

See all 27 photos >>

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