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As the Wind Blows

Week 34: Lake Lugano and Luzern (Lucerne)

SWITZERLAND | Friday, 9 December 2011 | Views [1290]

Switzerland. Home of skiing, chocolates and watches, the Swiss Guard and the Swiss franc. ‘Twas the place where I realised that altitude sickness does really exist and the place I decided to do my family souvenir shopping, spending more than what I earnt in two months in 20mins. I should have opened a Swiss bank account instead, that would have been more responsible. But who is responsible on holidays? That’s what real life is for.

So after leaving Italy which was pouring with rain, we entered Switzerland which was pouring with rain. The only difference between the two is that when it rains in Switzerland, sporadic waterfalls can be seen cascading down from nearby mountains. Aside from that, it’s like every other country when it rains. People take shelter indoors.

For example, when we stopped at Lake Lugano, everybody went straight into the shopping center and maccas – like Lugano was the only place in the world shopps and McDonalds exist. Armed with my bright pink umbrella I decided to wander around the lake and tried to distinguish between the lake and the clouds because they were both the same shade of grey. Lake Lugano is supposed to be one of the popular places for tourists during summer, but I couldn’t see it that day, all I could see was grey.

Luzern is a very popular town with an old, yet pointless, bridge across a section of the lake. Lots of celebrities and even European Royalty have/had holiday homes in this part of the world and if go there you’ll understand why.

The best place to admire any town or lake in Switzerland is to view it from a top of a mountain. We went up the funicular (which if it was going ten times faster would have been scarier than a roller coaster ride) to the top of Mount Pilatus. The views from the top literally took my breath away.

The day before I had thought that my fitness had improved carrying my luggage up and down the stairs (really who need lifts when you stay on the first or second floor). However when I ascended the narrow stairs to the top of one of the mountain peaks I had to admit I had to stop for oxygen. At first I thought I had deluded myself the day before and I hadn’t really improved my fitness, but when I noticed nearly everyone else who climbed up with me stopping at least once before reaching the top and then heard one woman complaining about the altitude I realised it was just nature against me.
The views from the top of Mount Pilatus were absolutely spectacular! The lakes, the mountains, the little towns nestled in the mountains or beside the lake. It was all so picture perfect. When I was cruising around Lake Lucerne I was quite annoyed that it wasn’t a perfectly sunny day, but up on the mountain, I was glad that the sun was attempting to make an appearance because it added to the dynamic scenery of Luzern and the beauty of the vista. I think that if I was in heaven I would spend my time looking down on Switzerland. 

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