Week 13: Part Six – Cadbury World and Chester
UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 18 June 2011 | Views [855]

If you’ve been following my road trip adventure so far, you will have noticed that we stopped at a number of places linked to history (both English and Scottish), myths (the Loch Ness Monster) and legends (Robin Hood). So it was refreshing (and delicious) to stop at Cadbury World in Birmingham.
We were forced to learn a bit about the history of Cadbury, starting with the Aztecs, then the Spanish and finally to England but it was all cleverly displayed and quite enjoyable. Part of it was a bit like going on the Shrek 4D ride at the Gold Coast, except without the 3D component, and all I can say is that if the kids around us were completely entertained by the history lesson, adults have no reason to find it boring.
The smell of melted chocolate permeates through the walls of the factory and into the gardens and I think if I worked there I would probably get sick of it. Luckily I don’t, so I could appreciate it for what it was - delicious melted chocolate (which they gave us free samples of in the factory – whoo!) The chocolate in England taste different because, or so I’m told, they don’t need to add an ingredient to stop the chocolate from melting as they have to do in Australia. I don’t think they have that ingredient in chocolate melts though because I’ve cooked with chocolate enough to know the smell of melted chocolate. Mmmmm, melted chocolate!! YUUUUMMMM!!!! Okay I’ll stop mentioning melted chocolate now.
It is definitely worth a visit and there are lots of worlds, 11 to be precise, that you get to go through on your chocolately adventure. It’s lots of fun and you get free (and delicious) chocolate samples so what’s there not to love about Cadbury World?
Chester on the other hand, well Chester is full of Chavs. Fake tan and bleach blonde chavs. I suppose they do live closer to the coast than Londoners do, but the sun in the UK is not strong enough to give you a permanent tan (I know I can’t talk, but I’ve seen in on my housemates), so their fake tans stand out like a sore thumb. I shouldn’t complain about Chavs because they like to have a good time and you can’t dislike fun people. I did enjoy the short time spent wandering around Chester after dinner and walking past the really old buildings with really small doorways as well as the random Roman wall that was enclosed in glass.
Chester is on the border of England and Wales; the Happy Country filled with sandy beaches, green fields and of course Doctor Who!!!