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A Fun but Useless RTW Journal Watch me RTW in 2 days less than the maximum period I can leave NZ with my loan remaining interest free without spraining my ankle/losing all possessions/becoming a Hungarian farmer's wife. NZ - TX - Chile - Bolivia - Colombia etc


There are [0] photos and [1] story tagged with "sprained ankle".

The Hills of Valparaíso

CHILE | Saturday, 18 Jun 2011 | Views [2661]

Ahh, what a difference a split second can make to one's life/plans/emotions... ...but more on that later. On Wednesday, I went to my new favourite city in Chile - Valparaíso. Known popularly as 'Valpo' in Chile, its a coastal city known ... Read more >

Tags: chile, disappointment, sprained ankle, valparaiso, valpo

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