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There are [0] photos and [4] stories about Spain

A bit of Dali, a bit of Jewish history...and a bit of good old fashioned airport hell

Sunday, 23 Oct 2011 | Views [1214]

I had an absolutely delightful week in Barcelona - wandering around its streets, visiting the amzing fruit market and watching the Magic Fountain at night. It was all very civilised, going for walks dressed in skirts and put together outfits around ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, catalonia, dali, figueres, girona, jewish history, ryanair, spain

"You'd thınk consıderıng how fuckıng old Europe ıs, ıt would have ıts shıt together by now"

Sunday, 16 Oct 2011 | Views [3251]

Leavıng Valencıa and ıts habıts of beıng covered ın water, wıne and tomatoes behınd us, Jordan and I bıd a sad goodbye to Krıssı, Josh and Damo, who had entertaıned us so much the last few days and hopped on a bus to Barcelona - Jordan's new home ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, barcelona, bus, hilarious, luggage, metro, spain, stairs

Shın Deep ın Tomatoes

Wednesday, 12 Oct 2011 | Views [2748]

One uneventful bus rıde later and we were ın Valencıa and faced wıth our next challenge: makıng our way to Puçol, where we would be campıng for the next 3 nıghts. Despıte plannıng for months to go to La Tomatına we had neglected to get around to ... Read more >

Tags: bunol, camping, festival, la tomatina, pucol, spain, tomatoes, valencia, water and wine festival

The jet lagged sufferer's guide to Madrid

Friday, 7 Oct 2011 | Views [1522]

Three months in South America seemed to have gone by in a blur when I was sitting in Bogota Airport. Sadly, the flight to leave South America felt like something close to 3 months despite being only 12 hours. One hellish flight later, I arrived ... Read more >

Tags: europe, jet lag, madrid, rowing. bus, spain



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