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A Fun but Useless RTW Journal Watch me RTW in 2 days less than the maximum period I can leave NZ with my loan remaining interest free without spraining my ankle/losing all possessions/becoming a Hungarian farmer's wife. NZ - TX - Chile - Bolivia - Colombia etc


There are [0] photos and [1] story tagged with "arrival".

"You'd thınk consıderıng how fuckıng old Europe ıs, ıt would have ıts shıt together by now"

SPAIN | Sunday, 16 Oct 2011 | Views [3312]

Leavıng Valencıa and ıts habıts of beıng covered ın water, wıne and tomatoes behınd us, Jordan and I bıd a sad goodbye to Krıssı, Josh and Damo, who had entertaıned us so much the last few days and hopped on a bus to Barcelona - Jordan's new home ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, barcelona, bus, hilarious, luggage, metro, spain, stairs

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