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A Fun but Useless RTW Journal Watch me RTW in 2 days less than the maximum period I can leave NZ with my loan remaining interest free without spraining my ankle/losing all possessions/becoming a Hungarian farmer's wife. NZ - TX - Chile - Bolivia - Colombia etc


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "puerto montt".

Couchsurfing, Muddy Jeans and Yet More Rain: The Lakes District

CHILE | Monday, 1 Aug 2011 | Views [1322]

Back on terra firma after five days at sea, we spent the first 24 hours unable to stop ourselves from swaying back and forth. Christelle, our Super Negotiator, demanded us a free taxi ride to our couchsurfing host´s house, even though we had one last ... Read more >

Tags: couchsurfing, fruitillar, lakes district, puerto montt, puerto varas

The Navimag is NOT a cruise

CHILE | Tuesday, 26 Jul 2011 | Views [1837]

The ship´s map system, informing us we´d reached the Glacier I realise I haven´t properly explained what the whole Navimag shebang really is, so here is a quick explanation: As Lonely Planet was at pains to point out repeatedly, the Navimag is ... Read more >

Tags: chile, glacier, laguna san rafael, navimag, puerto montt

Hitchhiking, Mormons and warmed up chocolate milk - oh my!

CHILE | Monday, 25 Jul 2011 | Views [1729]

Let´s pick up where we left me last - soaking wet, making friends with a sorrowful black lab at the Castro Rural Bus Terminal and about to embark on a 4 hour bus ride back to Puerto Montt. The bus ride was rather average due to Quielen Bus´ policy ... Read more >

Tags: aysen, hitchhking, mormons, navimag, patagonia, puerto montt

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