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Definitely Out There

Our first WWOOF experience

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 1 March 2013 | Views [826]

The beach running along our first WWOOF host

The beach running along our first WWOOF host

After nine days in Takaka, Gabe an I are off down the west coast.

We've been staying with Victoria, a well-known local activist who arranges the World Naked Bike Ride every year. Through the WWOOF program we stayed at her place, the Moonbow B&B just down the road from the Mussel Inn, another local staple. Just off the beach, spread out amongst 10 acres, we spent most of our time fighting back gorse and brambles. After several days of hard work, we offhandedly mentioned that we'd like to do some camping. Victoria lept at the chance, pushing us out the door to go see Abel Tasmin.

A lookout point at Abel Tasmin

We spent three days hiking the Abel Tasmin Nature Reserve, one of the Great Walks of New Zealand. Each night we camped in a designated site right on the edge of a beautiful sandy beach. The first night a pair of possums tried to get into our food and the next morning a bird tried to make off with Gabe's tarp while Gabe was standing next to it. Abel Tasmin had it all - beaches, cliffs, mountain trails past evergreens and palm trees.

Me posing in the park

The sea kayaks in Abel Tasmin come highly recommended - I only wish we'd had time to take them out for a spin.

Mussels from Abel Tasmin

Unfortunately our time in the wilds ended all to quickly. When we returned to Victoria's B&B, we were surprised to find ourselves strongly encouraged to leave Moonbow. Exchanging labor for room and board can be a bit vague, and though we'd felt we'd earned an extra day Victoria was of the opinion we were a day behind in our labours. We were grateful for the opportunity, but sad and confused to see it ending in such a way. Though things were cordial, we were asked to put in one more day of labor before hitchhiking out the next afternoon, which we did as a personal favour. It was just as well, we'd been there long enough it was time to move on, and though we enjoyed our time in Golden Bay it was time to hit the road.

Panoramic of a hidden beach at Abel Tasmin

Tags: on the road, wwoof

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