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What am I doing It's all fun and games till Annette faints and Carlyn gets her pants slashed... who am I kidding, it's still fun

Egypt… why the name of Carlyn’s photo album is perfect: Once is Enough

EGYPT | Saturday, 19 Sep 2009 | Views [932]

Remember that feeling before Christmas… that anticipation… like when you were little and couldn’t sleep because you were going to Disneyland the next day?    That excitement of wanting to go to bed extra early so the next day will come even sooner? ... Read more >

Naples... coffee... life update

ITALY | Friday, 28 Aug 2009 | Views [514]

So I’m sitting here at a café in Naples sipping an espresso typing away on my laptop.   Sounds romantic right?   Have you ever been to Naples?   I’m drinking the worlds strongest coffee hoping that it will overpower the smell of urine wafting towards ... Read more >

Dude! I finally wrote something

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 10 May 2009 | Views [692]

So I think everyone would agree that I’m pretty much sucking at this whole blog thing…. Basically, I’ve been really busy… and really sick… all at the same time. Horrible combination. But, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been enjoying my self. We’ve made ... Read more >

On The Road Again

USA | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [471]

So… after a less than spectacular 19hour trip from Ft. Lauderdale to San Diego, I have spent the last two weeks doing, well, nothing. Ok, that’s a lie. I had a belated Christmas, got wicked sick, puppy sat a feisty yellow lab who had a taste for magnets, ... Read more >

The "Real World"... ewwww

USA | Thursday, 15 Nov 2007 | Views [594]

Waking up at incoherently at 4am to blearily look around the room, I wonder, “Where the hell am I?” Wait, this is familiar, it’s coming back to me now… I’m home. Ahhhhh… It’s nice to be back. San Diego’s not too bad a place. I can ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Insomnia at 15,000ft

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 13 Nov 2007 | Views [1084]

Sleeping on planes seems to be something I am physically incapable of.  At this point, seeing as I had only gotten 10 hours of sleep in the last 3 nights (thanks to a chorus of snoring and 3am poker) I would think I could have slept anywhere. But no, ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: San Telmo

ARGENTINA | Monday, 12 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

The Sunday Market
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San Telmo Market

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 11 Nov 2007 | Views [2816]

Headed to the San Telmo market this afternoon, while trying to avoid the prolific number of dog droppings, I noticed that all the side walks are different.  It appears that each store owner/building owner is responsible for the side walk in front of ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Not really a Fiesta de la Tradition

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 10 Nov 2007 | Views [1164]

I was modivatied... I was going to leave Buenos Aires for the first time in almost 2 weeks... visit a new place, see new sights, meet new people...  For my day trip I chose San Antonio de Areco, apparently the town where all the best crafts people ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Friday, 9 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Quit looking at my ass

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 8 Nov 2007 | Views [810]

Buenos Aires has trained me well.  The vendors in Peru and Bolivia would at least, at times recieve eye contact and perhaps a harsh "no gracias" when accosting me with postcards, gourds, jewerly and a plethora of lama related trinkets.  The ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

All I want is a bed

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 4 Nov 2007 | Views [641]

It is 9:20am and for some god aweful reason I am awake and up.  It is the third day in a row that I have gone to bed at 6am or later and woken up at 9:20.  This is not by my choice.  After being thrilled about finishing my spanish course and having ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Mullets seem to be making a comeback

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [1176]

So, after 2 months of washing my hair with a combinaton campsoap and head n shoulders coupled with massive amounts of dust, it´s in pretty bad shape.  Side-show bob shape.  So, just like my break down with the jeans and the shirts, I broke down.  I´ve ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Sleep Deprivation and Ghestapo Spanish

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [1040]

Dinner at 11:30 at night? That sounds like a fantastic idea... So the schedule is a bit different here.  Since I arrived in Buenos Aires sleep has not been a priority.  It seems breakfast is 9 to 12, lunch… sometime around 2ish, at 5 or 6 a snack, ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Argentina

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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My own unique smell

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [859]

So I´ve given up... broken down... it all started with the jeans, now I´m buying shirts. It´s just that now I´m in a city, Buenos Aires.  It´s actually quite a nice city and people seem to care about what they look (and smell like) and I´ve found that ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Gallery: Salt flats

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Salazar de Uyuni
See all 8 photos >>

Bikes, Wines, and Dozers

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2007 | Views [703]

A wine tour in Mendoza, it congers images of mountains, vineyards... little dusty country roads, maybe a villa or two.  While there were dusty roads, it was due to the asphalt having been ripped up to be replaced.   Not quite as quaint as I had ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Horseback Riding Pinball

ARGENTINA | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Views [2013]

Supposedly Salta is breath taking... well, the natural rock and landscapes surrounding Salta. I had read this on multiple websites, and guide books, but due to the fact that I arrived in the dark and had only wandered around the city (whose square ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

National Food

ARGENTINA | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Views [1032]

I have come to the conclusion, that were you to generalize S. American cuisine, it would be fried, accompanied by potatoes, and then something ridiculously sweet.   If it isn´t sprayed with sugar, served with jam, deep fried (all meat is ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

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My new smuggler friend on the bus... those weren´t really Cs

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