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3 months today!

THAILAND | Wednesday, 21 December 2011 | Views [437] | Comments [4]

Hey all,

So its been 3 months today since I have been away and about 3 months and 10 days until I grace you with my presence again!

Was thinking yesterday about what I miss apart from all of you guys of course! and pets!

  • Marmite on toast-ultimate hangover cure
  • Quorn -tofu just isnt the same! 
  • Squash - I still cant love water unless its freezing cold. 
  • Not having to get dressed for meals
  • 10p crisps
  • Spraying myself with perfume for a night out rather than mossie spray
  • My sofa and bed
  • living out of a house instead of a rucksack. My rucksack is the bane of my life!
  • Being able to buy pants bigger than a size 8

Not homesick just like to think about the things I have to look forward to on my return! 

So I am here in Ko Tao-gearing up for Christmas and NYE. It will be strange not seeing any of you but don't worry I will have a cocktail on the beach for you all. You can have a pear cider for me! Seriously though, I will miss you all.

Dad-please make sure the buns have a little Christmas treat from me! 

Anyway not much to report as I have just been chillig and catching up with my friend from home who lives here. 

The boat journey was a nightmare though. SO SCARY. It was a high speed catamaran and it literally was one of the scariest things ever! The waves were so high and we were literally flying through the air. I thought we were going to capsize. Everyone around was throwing up and there were sickbags everywhere. It really was one hairy ride! I closed my eyes and took deep breathes and held on tight!

I am staying in a bungalow on the beach at the moment on the quieter end. Its lovely and you can eat your breakfast practically on the beach!

My friend is joining me this afternoon so I am sure I will sample some nightlife tonight!

Update again soon xxxx



Kerry this is so interesting and funny-you really should write a book!
lots of love x

  m Dec 22, 2011 10:07 PM


Are you going to dinner naked ?! I only ask as you say you miss getting dressed for meals! We all miss you loads and I hope you have an amazing Xmas on the beach with your cocktail! Sounds seriously lush !! Bet your excited to start diving! And I know what u mean about marmite ! I was missing it in Jamaica! Amazing stuff! Was saying to Laur yest that I get major cravings for it! Hopefully speak sat xxx

  Rachel Dec 23, 2011 6:00 AM


Yes, let's hope the diving course is fun, and not too difficult.
Sounds like you have got Christmas sorted.
We'll be raising a glass to you on the big day - I got a bottle of fizz as per your directions and with the money you left. Nice touch!
Needless to say the rabbits are continuing to have 5* treatment, so I'll be struggling to get them a treat for Christmas.
Speak on the day

  Dad Dec 24, 2011 2:29 AM


Happy Christmas Kerry!!
Hope you have a lovely time on the beach with a cocktail or two!
We'll be thinking of you & missing you loads!!! Hope you get chance to give us a quick call. Be lovely to hear your voice.. Will def get skype sorted after Xmas.
Have a great time & here's wishing you the best of everything for 2012!!
Love you lots xx
PS> We've got the bunnies some curly kale for Xmas.

  Helen & Paul Dec 24, 2011 8:41 PM

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