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Back in the saddle -ex racehorse riding!!

THAILAND | Monday, 12 December 2011 | Views [502] | Comments [3]

Hey all!

Just thought I would let you all know that I got back in the saddle and went horse-riding in Siem Reap.

We started off riding through rice paddy fields and villages and you really get to see what village life is like as you are so close to everything. I think I must of said 'hello' about a hundred times as kids were charging out of their homes to say hello.

I was a bit nervous a first as they put me on an ex-racehorse from Vietnam which had actually never been ridden by a customer before as they were still training it! Apparently he likes to be in front which I found out a few times later in the ride. He was also a stallion until late on!It also didnt help that a little boy came running up and hit my horse with a stick on its bum!

It was a really great ride and we stopped and pulled over at old temple remains and me and a random car were the only ones in there. I saw everything on the ride from baby waterbuffalo (which are extremly cute) to  tiny house with one bed that had about 8 people living there. Its actually lovely how much families are really together in Cambodia and how the kids are always out playing-even if it is with kites made out of rubbish.

There was alot of poverty -when I was at one of the temples I was throwing a half eaten sandwich away as it was all warm when a little boy asked if he could have it. Really sad and it did make me feel bad.

We finished the ride with a canter through a field which turned into a gallop -I really didn't think i would be able to stop!!

My legs were agony after but it was worth it- the horses were extremly well cared for too which was lovely to see!

Next update comes from Thailand!!




How exicing To be the first customer on an x racehorse! Bet it was such a fun ride! Sad about the poverty there must be a real eye opener! Hope your enjoying your time in thailand! We must talk again very soon - let me know when your free to chat xxx

  Rachel Dec 16, 2011 5:21 AM


Hi Kerry, It sounds as if you are having a great time. I admire you. Thats what life is for. Best wishes for the festive season, Chris & Co.

  chris Dec 19, 2011 10:06 PM


Hi Kerry, The ex-racehorse ride sounded like fun, although a bit dangerous! Well-done for staying on board!!
So sad to see the poverty in Cambodia, and I'm sure it has played on your mind. I think you're so brave for travelling like this, on your own and experiencing so much! You will never regret doing it, I'm sure!
Keep Living the dream Kerry - Be safe & have fun! Will be in touch before Christmas!
Lots of Love xx

  Helen Dec 21, 2011 12:11 AM

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