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Siem Reap -past few days

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 8 December 2011 | Views [356] | Comments [1]

Hey everyone

Well I have been in Siem Reap since Sunday now and enjoying it!

The journey took 12 hours by bus which was an experience!

I spent my last night in Sivikille drinking at the bar and playing connect 4 with my new Cambodian friend. 

The bus picked me up at about 7.30 in the evening and when I saw it arrive I saw one of the seats- by the toilet/claustrophobic/etc etc and thought I hope thats not mine! Of course it was!!!

The bus had something like bunk beds and if you had the bottom ones you couldn't see out any of the windows so it was pretty dark. On the plus side they did have beds but as I was on my own it meant sharing with a very nice Cambodian woman. I think I slept for about 10 mins all in all so was such a relief to get to a nice guesthouse.

I am staying at Ivy Guesthouse and its a very traditional with pretty plants etc and best of all I have my very own veggie menu! The food is fantastic too..really yummy. The staff are very sweet too so its a very cool place to stay. I met up with the cool girl from Alaska again so we have been hanging out and doing a fair bit of partying!!!! 

The buckets here are lethal which I found out on my first night. Maybe all night travelling the night before didn't help but I didn't feel too hot the next day.

How come when you are travelling you spend the whole night dancing to stuff you wouldn't at home!

We chilled out the next day and recovered as it was a full day at the temples the next day. Sorry getting a bit distracted at the moment as 2 Cambodians girls are laughing and pointing at me in the internet shop :)

We did the small loop of the temples and also went to the butterfly farm.

The butterfly farm was very pretty and we learnt their life cycle and saw the eggs etc and a butterfly take its first flight.

The temples were pretty amazing -especially the one from Tomb Raider which I cant remember the name of. It basically had trees growing inside and out and they had taken it over.

It was a very long day and I think we saw about  7 temples all in all. Our tuk tuk driver was very nice and we paid about $20 for the whole day. How people do a week of temples I have no idea. One day was enough for me.

Its definitely not as cheap as I thought it would be here and the food is quite pricey compared to Thailand. You see an awful lot of begging and thats quite hard.

Had some really fun nights out here and met some cool people.

Not sure yet on how it compares but will let you know when I am back in Thailand on Sunday!!




Hi Kerry,
Cambodia sounds like it's been a good experience and lots of fun too!
That bus ride sounded pretty awful though!! You must be a really expert player of Connect 4 by now!!
Hope the next stage of your trip back in Thailand goes well too. I think that's where you will be for Christmas, so really hope it will be lovely, and hopefully you will get to see that dog on the beach, that you met on previous trips!! Hope so...
Missing you loads!! Take care xx

  Helen Dec 9, 2011 8:05 PM

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