Ok, so I have just paid $4 to be tortured for an hour by a masseuse. I can honestly say this has been the most painful hour of my life and def not a highlight of my trip!
Not only did she pull my toes so hard she pulled me off the bed she also slapped me round the head a few times for good measure. Also I nearly came out earless! Words cannot describe my pain!
I had the medium pressure massage-god help anyone who has the hard massage. I can still see stars!
I did ask a few times for her to be softer as it was hurting but obviously to no avail. She was blind so maybe she didn't see my face off pain!
Anyway apart from that Kampot is a sweet little town-really quiet and chilled. Was happy to leave Phnom Penh as its quite a crazy town and I fancied some chill out time. It took about 4 hours to get here and I have found a nice little room for $5. I didn't get the guesthouse I wanted but I will head there for dinner as long as i can make it back after my head trauma!!
I will stay here for a couple of days-maybe going on a trip tomorrow to Rabbit Island!!! After that I will head for Ko Rung and then Siem Reap.
Anyway I'm off to get some painkillers!
Chat soon xxx
Ps thanks for the comments everyone-feeling a teeny bit homesick so they cheer me up :)