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Brush with death!!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Views [513] | Comments [4]

So dad has arrived in Chiang Mai now and its been go go go so far!

On the first full day we decided to book ATV driving which is like a quad bike. They picked us up at about 2pm and we headed off to a mountainous area. It was a mixed group of Aussies,Americans, and Israelis.

We arrived at the centre and were told that due to weather conditions that the beginners track was too muddy so we would infact have to go onto the experienced course for the same price. Please note in the brochure it say 'experienced ATV drivers only' and that I have never ever driven a ATV before let alone a moped until recently.

Our 'lesson' was some instructions in broken English and a ride round a very short track and a photo opportunity and then we were off!

I was scared as soon as we got on the road as it was pretty fast paced as\nd involved alot of hills. It didnt help that my ATV had actually broken down before I had left the centre and was now jolting up hills. As usual Dad thought it was me that was making it jolt! Haha he ended up swapping with me so could soon see. Anyway we went on for quite some time and I have to admit I was still extremely nervous as it was so hard to steer.

We then came to the off road part which was basically driving through the mountain in real off-road conditions. I was nervous so I got moved to the front behind the leader and off we went. Imagine my surprise 2 minutes later when dad was on the back of one of the tour leaders bikes! Apparently he wasn't too great himself and almost fell off twice!! 

It was really quite scary as the tracks were not very wide and were on the edge of the mountain.

Dad and the leader then led the way and I was actually doing really well and enjoying it until we came to a particularly hard part and my bike was going sideways. I somehow pressed the gas button and my bike leapt up the track and I was heading for the mountain edge. Somehow I managed to stop literally just before the edge but I had lost my footing completely and my flip flop got stuck under the wheel. Quite lucky it was my flip flop and not my foot!

It really was so close and one of the guys took some photos as I was still sitting there in shock! Anyway I couldnt of been that bad as back in the saddle they got me and off we went through hill-tribe villages heading home.

Please bear in mind that so far about 3 of the bikes had broken down and we had signed disclaimers before we left.

The journey home was scary to say the least. It was down long, very steep windy roads and you couldn't use the brakes much as they said they would get too hot. Anyway Dad was back riding again and up near the front. I had two people behind me and we were tearing down these roads. It started to get dark and there are no street lamps and apparently no lights at all on my bike!!

Dad says he kept turning around and could see bikes behind- one with no lights and was hoping it wasn't me on there. Yes it was!

We kept going and I literally thought I would drive off the cliff -it was that scary.

As we were going along, guess what!? another bike broke down so they told me to keep going. By now it was pitch black and I had no lights whatsoever -I was driving on my own -not having any idea where anyone else was.

It literally got to the point where I couldn't see anything in front of me was too scared to carry on so I tried to find somewhere safe to pull over which is a job in itself! Finally found somewhere and stopped. A bit later the rest of the bikes who were behind me appeared and I refused to drive anymore so had a very hairy drive back to base!

Me and dad giggled the whole way home and it turned out dad was still wearing sunglasses in the dark !!

All in all it was a very funny day, if not the scariest!!

I cant explain how close I was to coming off the mountain track, hoping the guy will email the pictures soon so  can share them.

Update soon on our road trip and the festival. Dad still not appeared-I expect the fireworks last night kept him up!!




Omg that sounds so scary and at the same time hilarious! I can imagine everything u said happening!! Bet it's nice to have your dad there! Everything is sounding so good and you're looking so well in all the pics!

  Katie Nov 12, 2011 2:18 AM


Hi Kerry & John,
Your brush with death sounded terrifying, although very funny!! Sorry, I think you know that I've always had a warped sense of humour! Oops...
Seriously though, please take care both of you, as you are both very precious!!
It's brilliant to know that you are both sharing some great experiences. I gather white water rafting is next on the agenda!! Oh dear!! I have a feeling that will turn out to be another momentous experience, and we literally can't wait to read your blog afterwards...!
We're loving the blog, and I must agree with Katie, you do look so well and fab in all the pics Kerry! So glad this trip is clearly doing you the world of good. Keep having fun, and please upload more pics as soon as you can.
Loads of Love, Helen & Paul xx

  Helen Nov 12, 2011 8:51 PM


Yes I agree it sounds absolutely terrifying and hilarious at the same time - an absolutely typical you and dad scenario ! ! ! xxx

  m Nov 13, 2011 12:36 AM


OMG that sounds so scary, and hilarious!

What an adventure... where are you now?

  kirsty Nov 16, 2011 2:27 PM

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