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The dogs -such a great experience

THAILAND | Sunday, 6 November 2011 | Views [457] | Comments [3]

Well I am finished at Care for Dogs Foundation now. I have had such a great time.

I moved to the homestay as planned and fond the room massive and the food portions even larger!!The food was amazing and i didnt have the same meal twice!

The room was really comfy and was in their back garden really. They brought me my meals out on trays at 8am and 7pm and there was always about 3 plates and I could eat about 1 so I started putting a bit in a bag as not to offend and then giving some to the dogs!

They were so sweet and communicating was so funny as they don't speak English and I cant speak Thai! I managed to say I was  veggie in Thai but a few days later I thought I must have said it incorrectly as it looked like a chicken curry for breakfast. The neighbour came round to translate and it turned out to be soya so all fine! 

It was such hard work and I ended up working everyday without days off as I enjoyed it so much.

I helped with an adoption fair which was fun..you can check out Thailand's new celebrity on http://www.chicwhere.com/news_detail.php?n_id=102&fb_source=message


Its been so good too as there was a Swiss girl volunteering too who I got on with really well so we had such a laugh

We had some really sad cases i which I dont want to dwell on them too much as you see alot of happy dogs too that have been saved from some awful fates. As the days went on they would really get to know you and even the shy ones would welcome me and come for a cuddle.

I am in love with a mummy dog who looks a bit similar to Dylan and she has 5 gorgeous puppies- sadly one has a broken leg and two have infections but fingers crossed they will be okay. The mum is adorable though and I would love to come and get her one day along with a few others!!

There was one memorable day which I will tell you about another time but it involved 5 of us in a sidecar for dogs and 2 on the moped! I haven laughed like that for ages!

I was so sad to to leave as I really did feel like I had made a small difference in their lives. Also sad to leave my new swiss friend but I have invited her to the UK anytime!

Its strange being back the city after being in a tiny village and being the only westerners but I have to say I will be eating a cheese sandwich today after 2 weeks of spicy food!

Well I await father John now -I have booked him into a cell so hope he like it!!!

Speak soon xxxx



Hi Kerry,
Lovely to hear all about your time with the dogs. It must have been such a rewarding experience, and I know it will always stay with you, as one of your most special and memorable times!
The dogs will miss you and you them, but you will definitely have made a difference to their lives, and good on you for that!!
It must be such a temptation to want to bring at least one of them home, and I still won't be at all surprised if that happens!!....
I hope you and 'Father John' will have a fab time, and no doubt plenty of adventures, which we can't wait to hear about!
I asked your Dad to bring you a huge hug from me. Keep on having a wonderful time Kerry! Hope your Dad does too!
Loads of Love to you both xxxx PS. Haven't checked out 'Thailand's new celebrity' yet!! - Will do though straight away!!...x

  Helen Nov 6, 2011 8:54 PM


sounds wonderful daughter.....xxxxx

  m Nov 7, 2011 7:49 AM


Hope you enjoy your time with John and being back in the city! Skype soon xxx

  Rachel Nov 9, 2011 9:08 AM

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