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Dogs dogs dogs

THAILAND | Friday, 28 October 2011 | Views [230] | Comments [3]

Ahhh just wrote a long story and computer crashed!!!

Ok so there is actually more like 190 dogs!

Its brilliant..really enjoying it. So sad but very rewarding just to see them happy.

There are so many puppies of all types. A mother looking after puppies that arent hers as she lost hers and the puppies their mum.

Been giving a skeleton dog treats as he looks so sad..not sure what happended but I havent ever seen a dog that thin.

On the brighter side though, I have been taking some out for walks which they love. We go to a river and they charge about like mad things! Fallen for a couple already and want to take one home! Apparently its pretty easy now and not too expensive and 3 are going to london next week!

There are some really sad cases which I kind of dont want to say too much about as dont want to depress everyone! They do such great work and the rescue cases come in all day. We cant take them all in so some they patch up and have to go back. I saw one get blow darted the other day-he was living in the jungle area and had really mucky eyes and needed jabs etc so he was sorted and released back.

Its called Care for Dogs if you want to google it!

Lunchtimes I have been going to a hut in a petrol garage for noodles with a swiss girl who is volunteering for a few months. I drove a moped there today which was fun!

I am moving to the Thai families tomo so leaving my luxury :(

On sunday I am working at the adoption drive near the centre of CM and so tomorrow I am bathing about 20 puppies !

Its uite hard for me to get the internet here so may not have any stories soon but will try to keep you updated!

speak soon xx



Hi Kerry, that sounds so wonderful, wish I was there with you........ xxxxxx.

  m Oct 29, 2011 11:27 PM


Hey that must be so rewarding being there- can imagine you coming home with loads of dogs! Hope living with the thai family isn't to basic compared to your luxury room speak soon x

  Rach Oct 31, 2011 7:57 AM


Good for you Kerry for giving up your time to help the dogs! It must be so rewarding, although very upsetting!
Give them loads of extra cuddles from us too! I'd love to help out there one day myself...
Take care & Enjoy xx

  Helen Oct 31, 2011 7:27 PM

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