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Moresby Meanders Observations From an Ongoing Journey

Trip: United Kingdom 2013

There are [9] stories from my trip: United Kingdom 2013

Tips on How to Survive London on a Working Holiday Visa

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 9 Nov 2014 | Views [1060]

Multifaceted, ever-changing, often fickle; London is defined by it’s pace, density, and diversity. Multicultural and inclusive here, homogenous and exclusive there, but most often both, side by side. Neighbourhoods offering overpriced continental ... Read more >

Tags: london, uk, working holiday visa

Heatwaves, Spiders, Bastards, and a Pick and Mix Australian

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 10 Aug 2014 | Views [850]

This year’s summer here in the UK has found me considering questions of identity, challenging “facts” about myself and where I belong, as well as taking advantage of a few opportune moments along the way to fall back on my Australian ... Read more >

Tags: australia, bastards, heatwave, pick and mix, spiders, uk

Beware the Cockney Chinwagger

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 6 May 2014 | Views [617]

Making a beeline past the hipsters and young professionals of trendy Hackney, deep into East London, towards regional Essex, you will find a slice of the old school. Yet to be gentrified and still, on a London scale, fairly affordable to live in, boroughs ... Read more >

Tags: chinwagger, cockney, east london

Shrunken Heads, George Washington’s Hair and Other Curiosities - A Look at London's Museums

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2014 | Views [667]

London boasts a phenomenal number of museums, around 240 in total. Included in these monuments to the wonder of human accomplishment and our natural world are such greats as the Tate Modern, the Natural History Museum, the Victoria & Albert Museum, ... Read more >

Tags: british museum, collectors, hoarders, huntarian museum, london, wellcome collection

A National Health Nighmare?

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 20 Mar 2014 | Views [710] | Comments [1]

    Entering my local NHS doctor’s surgery it resembled a news report on the latest strain of bird flu. There was an air of ailing disarray. The waiting room packed with patients, children squealing, clinging to their parents. When ... Read more >

Tags: health-care, nhs, uk

Antisocial Interactions - Using Public Transport in Merry Old London Town

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 11 Jan 2014 | Views [846]

Coming from Sydney I am thankful if my bus or train turns up at all. Years living in one of the most poorly serviced parts of the world for public transport has made me a little more forgiving than the average Londoner. While London's public transport ... Read more >

Tags: bus, dlr, london, minicab, national rail, overground, public transport, taxi, tube

New to East Ham - Getting Acquainted with the Ghetto

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 6 Jan 2014 | Views [2346]

If not for the usual high street signage like Sainsubry’s, Argos, Primark and the old Lloyd’s Bank spanning East Ham High Street, one would be forgiven for forgetting for a moment that they are in fact still in greater London, or even the ... Read more >

Photos: UK 2012-2014

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 5 Jan 2014 | Photo Gallery

See all 8 photos >>

A Prelude to Writing on the Subject of Life in London

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 5 Jan 2014 | Views [972]

Back in the nineties young people from Australia used to flock to London on the promise of earning good money (in ever strong British Pounds) which would then pay for the travel, adventures, parties and a series of hazy but satisfying remnants of memories ... Read more >

Tags: london