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Moresby Meanders Observations From an Ongoing Journey

Trip: China 2013

There are [5] stories from my trip: China 2013

Monkey Drum – An Unsettling Introduction to Chongqing

CHINA | Monday, 7 Apr 2014 | Views [862]

It was muggy disembarking the intercity train from Chengdu. Crowds of people pushed through the gates exiting the station. Emerging the other side, we made our way down to the subterranean leg of the metro network, Chongqing. Underground, the air was ... Read more >

Tags: chongqing, monkey drum

Songpan - A bad Trip on an Otherwise Good Journey

CHINA | Thursday, 27 Mar 2014 | Views [842]

Behind the glass window in the ticket hall of the bus station at the northern end of Songpan in the Aba prefecture of Sichuan, a middle age woman methodically typed information into her computer, printed and stapled together a two-part ticket and exchanged ... Read more >

Tags: china, langmosi, sichuan, songpan, tibetan autonomous region

Earth-Porn, Injury, and a Touch of Tibetan Hospitality

CHINA | Thursday, 30 May 2013 | Views [1595]

Heading north from Chengdu into the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China, signs direct traffic up a winding mountain road to the not so aptly named Jiuzhaigou “Scenic Area”. Frankly, passing off this extraordinary UNESCO world heritage, AAAAA ... Read more >

Tags: china, earth-porn, hospitality, jiuzhaigou, sichuan, tibetan

A Monk From the Future

CHINA | Friday, 17 May 2013 | Views [12042]

As I sit in a vegetarian restaurant in the Tibetan district of Chengdu, chewing on particularly tasty chunk of imitation lamb, I observe a Tibetan monk on the table opposite, thumbing messages in to his smart phone with one hand, lips moving silently ... Read more >

Tags: chengdu, china, monks, temples

Finding Love in People's Park in the Time of Internet Dating

CHINA | Monday, 6 May 2013 | Views [1327] | Comments [2]

Among the frenzied ruckus of blaring music, ballroom dancing, opera singing, and endless chatter in Peoples Park Chengdu is found a network of paths intersecting through the trees. People young and old gather here and shuffle up and down the pathway ... Read more >

Tags: chengdu, china, marriage market, peoples park