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Travels with Janice

Photos: Mumbai

INDIA | Monday, 29 Dec 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Welcome to Mumbai

INDIA | Monday, 29 Dec 2014 | Views [372] | Comments [2]

Monday, 29 December, 2014 On today's agenda: sleep this morning, then shopping in Mumbai.   I think I'm awake because the sun is shining. Or maybe because it just feels different here. And there is definitely a bird of some sort dwelling ... Read more >

Tags: mumbai

Getting Packed

USA | Friday, 26 Dec 2014 | Views [204]

Well, we are almost packed. Have spent the day in Orange with Anna and Sarah getting sorted and running last minute errands.  So glad for technology and cell phones and ATM cards. Remembering when Bob went to Bangladesh years ago and he was basically ... Read more >

Getting ready

USA | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2014 | Views [257] | Comments [1]

Dear friends and family,   Anna and I are preparing for our first (but hopefully not last) extended trip together to India!  We'll be gone most of January and hope to -- well, hope to do and see so many things together.  The whole ... Read more >

Photos: Profile Photos

USA | Monday, 22 Dec 2014 | Photo Gallery

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