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The Plunge... I think I would have more regrets NOT doing this trip, than I will by taking this plunge! Ready, set, GO...


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South East Asia Golden Travel Rules

THAILAND | Saturday, 26 Dec 2009 | Views [1504] | Comments [1]

1.) Never trust a tuk tuk! Or a cab driver. Both exist only to scam as much money as possible from you. Especially the ones that hang out in the tourist areas. If there’s a meter available, insist they use the meter. If not (such as motorbike taxis ... Read more >

Tags: money saving tips, schemes, south east asia advice, tours, travel tips

Nha Trang, Vietnam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 9 Dec 2009 | Views [938]

Nha Trang I escaped the city of Saigon for a few days to go to Nha Trang in the East coast of the middle of Vietnam. It was a nice little beach town with lots of restaurants and bars. And tours. I think the fun of tours in Vietnam is the gamble of ... Read more >

Tags: bad hotels, nha trang, scams, tours, vietnam

The Mekong: A Solo Journey from Vietnam to Cambodia, then onto Bangkok!

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 8 Dec 2009 | Views [2049]

So, I decided to take the scenic route from Saigon to Bangkok. I always wanted to sail along the Mekong from Vietnam to Cambodia, and see the locals’ daily life unfold before my eyes. I decided on the 3 day, 2 night tour from Saigon to Phnom Penh. From ... Read more >

Tags: boats, border crossing, buses, cambodia, mekong, mekong homestay, mekong people, tours, vietnam

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