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The Plunge... I think I would have more regrets NOT doing this trip, than I will by taking this plunge! Ready, set, GO...


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "mopeds".

Bali is a magical, beautiful place...

INDONESIA | Sunday, 28 Mar 2010 | Views [8981]

Bali is amazing! Very cheap and yet its niiiiice. Most other cheap places is Asia are a lot crustier and more boot-leg. Don't get me wrong, this place is still ridden with oddities and weird little 3rd world touches, like, for example, the light in ... Read more >

Tags: bali, candidasa, culture, diving, lovina, mopeds, ubud

Saigon, Vietnam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 9 Dec 2009 | Views [1396] | Comments [1]

This place is a crazy, hyper-active, energized, cosmopolitan city with mopeds galore. There’s 3 million + mopeds here and 8 million residents. It’s busy, dirty, hectic, and loud, yet residents and visitors LOVE it! I do. I’m having a blast so far. ... Read more >

Tags: food, ho chi minh, kids, massage, mopeds, saigon, war remnants museum

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