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The Plunge... I think I would have more regrets NOT doing this trip, than I will by taking this plunge! Ready, set, GO...


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "laos".

Phil’s Transvestite Massage

LAOS | Wednesday, 23 Dec 2009 | Views [2636]

Me & Phil got massages in Laos. I got a regular sized, muscular girl to give me my massage. The tiniest, most petite trannie we’ve ever seen was assigned to Phil. He’s about 6 foot 2 inches, 200 pounds… She was about 4 foot 7 inches, and weighed ... Read more >

Tags: funny massage stories, laos, massage, transvestite

Laos gets a huge THUMBS UP!!!!

LAOS | Wednesday, 23 Dec 2009 | Views [3625]

Me and Phil are having a blast in Laos. It's really beautiful, and laid back. We like it more than Thailand! Which is funny b/c Thailand is supposed to be the best place to travel. We already have our tickets back to Thailand set and a hotel reserved ... Read more >

Tags: laos, thailand, tubing, vang vieng

Weird Stuff I've Eaten on This Trip

USA | Wednesday, 1 Apr 2009 | Views [2018]

The Philippines: Sisig- Fried pig's ears with onions and seasoning. Fatty, crunchy, flavorful combo. YUM! Chocolate carabao milk- This was quite possibly the best chocolate milk I've had in my whole life! It had chunks of cream floating in ... Read more >

Tags: australia, bizarre foods, indonesia, japan, laos, malaysia, philippines, vietnam

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