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Time to travel again - THAILAND!!

THAILAND | Friday, 30 Apr 2010 | Views [415]

Well, the time has come for me to pack my bags and leave my lovely life in Sydney and start travelling again.  Mixed feelings really... I LOVE Australia and am very sad to leave, but I am immensely excited about nearly 10 weeks travelling around SE Asia.... Read more >

Tags: beaches, diving, full moon party

Update from down under!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 5 Nov 2009 | Views [563]

Sorry I haven't writted for a while... been a busy bee! Well, so far Oz is fabulous!  I had a great 4 days in Melbourne with Matthew and he took me to all the sights, and I dragged him around the shops!  It was so cold in Melbourne compared to Bali ... Read more >

Losing love in Lombok

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 13 Oct 2009 | Views [408] | Comments [1]

The title of this story says it all really... Andy and I broke up in Lombok.  I still don't quite understand where it all went wrong, but I am now back in Kuta, Bali and have a flight to Australia on the 20th October. I have 4 days in Melbourne with ... Read more >

Best 6 days and worst 2 hours so far!

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 7 Oct 2009 | Views [498]

I left Lovina to go to the Gili islands which are just off the coast of Lombok - the journey didn't go quite as planned!  Firstly Rose and I were told the boat was broken and we would have to spend the night at the port of Pandang Bai and then the bus ... Read more >

Tags: sunbathing and diving

Shocking surfing but delightful diving!

INDONESIA | Friday, 25 Sep 2009 | Views [603]

Whilst in Kuta i decided to take a surf lesson as its meant to be an amazing place to surf... not for me!  After about 2 hours of standing up for one second and then dramatically falling off, i gave up.  I had been totally abused by the surf board and ... Read more >

Brillient Bali!!!

INDONESIA | Saturday, 19 Sep 2009 | Views [508]

After spending the night in a stupidly overpriced room the Canadian girl announced she was going to the airport to get a flight to Singapore!  I think she was a bit whimsicle and didn't really know what she wanted to do... she kept saying she wanted ... Read more >

Temples and kamakazi driving to Bromo!

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 16 Sep 2009 | Views [611]

On my third day in Yogyakarta i decided to be a bit cultural and booked a trip to both Borobudur and Prabanam temples.  It was only an extra 60pence to do both places so it made sense to do both.  The 4:20am alarm wasn't much fun but i knew the afternoon ... Read more >

Tags: volcano climb and long bus journeys

Yogyakarta - miriam and motorbikes!

INDONESIA | Monday, 14 Sep 2009 | Views [674]

I'm not too sure what has come over me, but i keep hopping on strangers motorbikes and paying them to drive me places!  The first time I was trying to get the main square (where the Sultan's Palace is amongst other things) when i started chatting to ... Read more >

Jakarta - cockroach's and a dinner date

INDONESIA | Saturday, 12 Sep 2009 | Views [904] | Comments [1]

I wasn't too sure what to call this little story, i was thinking maybe 'Culture shock and tears' or 'jakarta - avoid it like the plague' or 'hell on earth' also crossed my mind! You have probably guessed that I didn't really like Jakarta and had a pretty ... Read more >

Beautiful Lake Toba

INDONESIA | Monday, 7 Sep 2009 | Views [574]

Finally, time to recover, relax and get a tan!  We hopped on the ferry from Parapat to Samosir which is an island in the middle of Lake Toba.  We got off the little ferry at Samosir Cottages and were met by a guy called Buddy who showed us to Reeption ... Read more >

Volcano Climbing in Bergastagi

INDONESIA | Saturday, 5 Sep 2009 | Views [606] | Comments [1]

After a long bus journey from Bukit Lawang we arrived in Bergastagi absolutely shattered.  I promptly refused do climb any volcano as i thought my legs might fall off!  I wanted to chill out at Lake Toba then stop and climb Mount Sibayak on our way back ... Read more >

Tags: volcano trek

Orangutans at Bukit Lawang

INDONESIA | Thursday, 3 Sep 2009 | Views [597]

What a nightmare journey!!  We got up early aa we wanted to be in Bukit Lawang before the predictable tropical storm at about 4pm.  We headed to the bus station in a motorcycle with a side-car which was an experience... the roads in Medan are like real ... Read more >

Tags: jungle trek

Medan - crazy town!

INDONESIA | Sunday, 30 Aug 2009 | Views [517] | Comments [2]

It was a very early start for Han and I this morning - 6:30am!!  We'd been up late chatting so we were not happy when the alarm went off, but we had to cath our flight to Medan, Sumatra (Indoneasia) at 10:30am.  We kind of waddle (highly ungraceful)with ... Read more >

Penang - Muslim's and more rain

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 29 Aug 2009 | Views [426] | Comments [1]

We arrived in Georgetown, Penang about 8pm and decided to go for a wander after we had put our bags in our room had had a rest.  Han and I got some food from the guys that just cook in the street and found ourselves outside a Mosque.  Prayer time had ... Read more >

Langkawi disaster!

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 25 Aug 2009 | Views [460]

After a few scorching hot days in KL, Han and I decided we needed some beach time... Langkawi is reknowned for its perfect paradise beaches so we booked a cheap flight and some cheap accomodation for the next day.  We were sooo excited it was unbelieveable ... Read more >

Our afternoon with Amir

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 23 Aug 2009 | Views [537]

What an amazing day we have had!!  In the morning I got chatting to Beth and we arranged to go to the Batu caves together as her boyfriend was poorly and it made sense for Hannah, Beth and I all to go together.  After breakfast she said that she had ... Read more >

Miriam visits the Immigration Office

MALAYSIA | Friday, 21 Aug 2009 | Views [613] | Comments [1]

Oh yes, i had a Bridget Jones moment and was told to sit outside the Immigration Office and wait to be seen to. To tell the story from the start... i was getting the train from Singapore to KL and had filled in my immigration form and had a stamp at ... Read more >

Last day in Singapore

SINGAPORE | Thursday, 20 Aug 2009 | Views [411]

My time is up and i'm moving on to Kuala Lumpur tonight.  Apparantly the trains are really old and rickety so how i am going to sleep in my bed i do not know!  On the other hand, the public transport here is so fantastic that the trains they consider ... Read more >

Days 2 & 3 - Miriam gets lost

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 19 Aug 2009 | Views [926] | Comments [2]

Don't worry!  I wasn'nt lost for 2 whole days, just managed to get lost twice in 2 days... well, what else do you expect from me!  :-) Since i last wrote, i've been a very busy bee and still have sore feet, but luckily my fingers have regained feeling!  ... Read more >

Tags: zoo

Day 1 in Singapore - sore feet!

SINGAPORE | Monday, 17 Aug 2009 | Views [356] | Comments [2]

I have been walking around Singapore for 7, yes 7 hours today!!  And we only stopped for about 30 mins (two refeshment stops for 15 mins!) Breakfast was yummy (scrambled egg, toast with peanut butter & jam and tea) so i was fully fuelled to walk ... Read more >

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