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Australia-The Outback: Adventures and Leaving

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 10 February 2013 | Views [283]

Our time in Innamincka drew to a close about a month after we arrived there. We felt that was enough time for us to make some decent money and to get a move on for the rest of our Australian adventure. In addition, we were not getting along well with the ‘temporary managers’ which made us like the place less. We loved the new UK friends we made though, and that was the saddest part of leaving. In addition, the actual managers of the place came back before we left and we adored them too. If we had them the whole month we were there, I guarantee we would have stayed longer. They were sweet and genuine, and really just made the place more enjoyable. So, all in all, most of the people we met while we were there were great!

Some of the fun (and not so fun!) experiences we had in the Outback:

--the annoying, large, flies that bother you the moment you step outside! They find ways to get into your nose & ears & eyes!

--the Western Brown snakes that would occasionally get into the kitchen. These are the 3rd most poisonous snakes in the world, and not a fun sight to see crawling through the kitchen you are working in!!!!!!!! Luckily, they hurt no one, and they all ended up in a jar on display in the pub!

--Gazing at the stars! The most spectacular view of Milky Way (and beyond!) that I have ever seen!!

--the dust storms! Full of fury, followed by a storm or rain, the scene was unforgettable!! You would just see these swirling balls of dust and these ominous, spectacular rain clouds in the distance! A sight to see!

--the new friendships: so many cool people you can meet in a place like that, that you really get to know and are able to build friendships with. The place is more cosmopolitan than you think!

--the flight in and out: just the drive to the airport is interesting because you really see what kind of barren place you are in. But the flight in itself is so cool---the expanse of the Outback from above is an amazing view!

--The serenity and leisure time. Read a book, watch a movie, have a brew….life moves at a slower pace here.



 The Outback is a remote place but you can still find the same variety of people there as you can in any big city, so you really shouldn’t look at that as a set back to come to this place! In addition, it is an experience, probably as unique of an experience as you can get! I don’t even remember exactly how much money we made during our month there, but it was definitely enough to cover us for the rest of our time in Australia and beyond! In other words, it was definitely worth it financially to work in the Outback. And, the longer you work, the better the money and the better the incentives- our UK friends were spending 9 months there and in that time frame they got paid vacation, free flights to & from the Outback and pay raises! It really is a unique and interesting working environment for the backpackers out there! In the end, I am actually very glad that we worked there and not in a big city. The reasons? Living costs were MUCH MUCH MUCH lower (accommodation, food, ‘entertainment’); crazy, unique environment; interesting people; the STARS; the scary creatures of the area (snakes, birds, dingos); the PAY!!!; and the free food! The experience was unforgettable and we have no regrets!!!

Tags: burke and wills trail



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