My times in Sikkim brought me to small villages such as Yuksom and Namchi and even smaller Kitam. To make a long story short after traveling for severl hours in a jeep to Namchi I called a friend of a friend and the next thing you know I was so kindly brought home by a nice Sikkimese women: Reena. Our quick connection was that she almost went to Pitt for school where her aunt lives and she lived there for several months. It was an instinct moment where she so kindly opened her arms, her home, and her heart. For a few days I had a place to spread out, make tea and cook!!, have girl time and great talks, meet village people, wash up, enjoy the quiet mountains, so a magnificent Buddha statue, walk through a bird sanctuary, and witness a young couple falling in love:) It was something sweet to be a part of and nurture and sparked my own heart in s special way;)My time in Kitam and Namchi offered me time and space and support and internet to figure out the plans for when Kurtis comes. OF COURSE i was trying to over do it and make it all perfect. And now WE have made it simple:)
It was great to travel through Sikkim (Even though it was cloudy) especially because my friend Manoj connected me with wonderful people. And even when I wasn't looking for his friends are calling them I happened to meet them anyway, even when I went to Gangtok. On top of it all, one day my friend Manoj popped up in Gangtok...what a great suprise! He helped some of my friends out with the travles (me as well) and was nothing but kind. Manoj is defintly green bracelt material and on top of it he was so inspired by the green bracelet that he is starting a website...and soooo many crossovers aer happening as well!!!!!
Sikkim is a state that is diofferent from India. Now that I am in Calcutta I can understand that. It is a place where people are trying to preserve the environment (no plastic bags and trees are planted) and the people live simple lives and dont try to pressure you into buying. They are kind and helpful and welcoming. It is laid back and the capital is pretty easy going for a city. It is a great place to do treks and it is popular wit the Indian tourists. At times it reminds me of Nederland: A place that is set in the beautiful mountains, with its own unique people and life style while trying to build tourism for the economy but preserve its true essence.
I'll be honest that the clouds in Sikkim clouded my head and heart a bit. But the day I let them lift I met a great friend from the US: Mindy. Together we cruised the streets of Gangtok, lauhhed and played with the people, had girl dress up time in the shops, ate great local food, went to a tea house, walked through the parks, and enjoyed our instant friendship with great smiles, LOUD LAUGHS (we are american) and bright hearts!!!!
Good places bring good people.