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The World According To Me

Gallery: Halloween-Weekend

USA | Wednesday, 12 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

and other stuff
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Weekend No. 9 - Halloween

USA | Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Views [581]

I was lucky, that Halloween fell on a friday, because in the US first of November is no state holiday. On thursday Anna, Maria and me decided to buy a costume and thought, that we just go into a supermarket, where they had huge Halloween-Departments ... Read more >

Weekend No.8 - NYC meets Boston

USA | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [397]

The weekend started on friday morning with driving to work with my luggage (a VERY big bag, with enough clothes for at least one week) in rush hour. Oooh, the people weren't amuzed at all, when I steped into the subway :-) And because New York isn't ... Read more >

Gallery: NY meets Boston

USA | Thursday, 30 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

Partyweekend - Bentley University
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Weekend No.7 - Parents visiting

USA | Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [634]

The last weekend was very convenient. I didn't go out on Friday or Saturday, because I had to get up early every day. On Saturday we made a trip to Woodbury Common, a designer outlet (like Parndorf in Austria) which is about one bus-hour from New York.... Read more >

Gallery: Harlem & Brooklyn Bridge

USA | Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Weekend No.6 - Underground Minimal Electroparty in Brooklyn

USA | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Views [439]

On Friday Kiki, a girl I met 2 weeks before at the Skaddan International Afterwork Drink, called me and said that I could go with her to a Minimal Party in Brooklyn. The location was an Industrial Loft, really cool! Before going to Brooklyn I went to ... Read more >

Fairytales from the Pussyprison - Update 14.11.

USA | Friday, 3 Oct 2008 | Views [388]

Everyday when I walk through the Pussyprison (which is the Webster Apartments and the place I live) I am so amuzed and want to start a blog for you to imagine how life is in a house like this. Heating Horror: Since a few weeks temperatures are decreasing ... Read more >

Gallery: Escada Sample Sale

USA | Friday, 3 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Weekend No.4 - Going out with Therese

USA | Wednesday, 1 Oct 2008 | Views [402]

This weekend was great. On Friday Therese and I decided to go to a Cuban Restaurant, where I've been with Jonathan one week before. They have the best Mojito, I had since I'm here in New York. I got a shortmessage from Julia before we left the Pussyprison, ... Read more >

Gallery: Weekend No.4 - The Octoberfest

USA | Tuesday, 30 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

also being celebrated in NYC
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Legal Alien in New York

USA | Friday, 26 Sep 2008 | Views [467] | Comments [1]

My first days are really over now and I got settled in the city, so I thought it might be also time to set up my travel-blog. I decided to write in english, because that's the reason I'm here and although it's not really good up to now I hope it will ... Read more >

Gallery: chillin and thrillin

USA | Sunday, 21 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Weekend No.2 - Minitek

USA | Saturday, 13 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: September 11

USA | Friday, 12 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

In advance I didn't know what will "happen" on september 11th. will people be crying all the time (you know how dramatic the american are) or will they act like on any other day?... Now I know, it was like every other day
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Gallery: Friends Visiting

USA | Tuesday, 2 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

it's always nice to meet friends from Vienna in New York
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Gallery: Scurrilities we don't have in Europe

USA | Monday, 1 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

America is known for everything being bigger, faster, louder... Can this be true??
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