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Walking Amongst Magical Friends & Celebrities

INDIA | Saturday, 7 April 2007 | Views [1686]

We have been truly fortunate to have met some genuine, wonderful friends along our path in India. Sandeep and Archana are an amazing couple that we met at during a hike in the Wayanad Sanctuary. THey are both professional "RJ's" or radio jockeys as they say here in India, and their energetic, friendly disposition transcends their professions into daily life. We met them in the tea gardens, and instantly bonded; non-stop chatting about young professional and social lifestyles and cultures in India and America. Everything from "love marriages and arranged marriages" to lifestyle, cost of living, music, club trends, religion, politics, globalization and outsourcing of jobs were topics of comparison, discussion and debate... We shared and learned over some very nice meals, drinks, and tours of the city. One of the highlights for me was the chance to accompany Archana at a "walk-a-thon" event she was coordinating for her radio station "BIG FM." Today was World Health Day, and she had lined up local celebrities, actors, actresses, and prominent political figures to attend the procession down MG Road. She met me at my hotel at 7:30 am; we're off to the BIG FM tour bus, and I'm given a BIG FM bright blue hat and t-shirt. She introduces me to everyone - her station manager, directors, producers, local Celeb's who emerge out of dark shiny cars, and her fans. I chat with her radio fans, who religiously follow and listen to her show. She is talented and well respected. Energy and enthusiasm bubble out of her as she zig zags her way between celeb's and important people, taking care to always introduce me as her friend. At 7:45 am, the Bangalore police force is out to blockade and control traffic - I think this is probably the only hour and day of the week (it's a Saturday), that they can effectively control the mass of cars, rickshaws, and people. It takes us 45 minutes to walk the short distance. Photographers abound and celeb's are interviews and broadcast via the station on the spot. I felt so welcomed by her colleagues, and over sips through straws of tender coconuts, I chat with her young friends, fans and colleagues about the social scene differences in the US and India. A special curiosity peaks around social drinking etiquette and lover marriages, and a small crowd gathers to join the discussion... "Drinking in the middle and lower castes here in India is taboo," says one of the young RJ's. "So when people do drink, they get really drunk - it's the act of indulgence under prohibition." They excitedly ask about what the drinking culture is like in the states. "Do you believe in love marriages? Are there arranged marriages in the US?" These are all questions we field, literally daily, during our interactions with curious locals on the street that we randomly meet. "Do Americans hate Indians because jobs are going overseas or because Indians are taking jobs in the US on work visas," ring concerned voices over the frequently visited questions concerning globalization. Back to the warmth of friends; Sandeep and Archana were so kind and generous to allow us to experience life through their eyes, and be a part of their world here in Bangalore. We've expanded our thinking through enlightening diner conversations. We've toured the science and technology museum and learned where young Indian kids learn the platforms of the technologies that power this Silicon Valley. We've been introduced to and toured through the Sri Rada Krishna temple; a beautiful, ornate and imposing structure in itself, boldly jutting upwards in the night, lit up with the festival of lights, and fireworks to commemorate the special occasion. We've learned about the ISKON movement, beliefs and values espoused by those devout followers here and worldwide. We are appreciative of our time spent with new friends, as it's brought new views and perspectives into our ways of thinking.

Tags: People



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