Those of us from San Diego really appreciate our Mexican food. I think that’s the biggest thing we’re missing at the moment- the good hearty fix of warm flour tortillas, carne asado, refried beans, and fish tacos. Although they do have Corona here- which we would never drink at home, it’s $20 a 6-pack. Paul fired up the grill, and we all got cookin’ for a fabulous meal, just like old times with the four of us down in Calafia, Mexico... minus the lobster from Puerto Nuevo.
One thing we’ve realized is just how expensive things have become in Sydney. Not only have property prices skyrocketed to be on par nearly with San Diego, but the cost of a general basket of goods is also now more expensive that what we’d pay in the US. Not just because our dollar has weakened since we were last in Sydney in 1997. The prices in general are inflated. Take a 6 pack of basic Australian beer- Carlton, it’s $15! Yes, that’s quickly curbing our appetite for knocking back a cold one. Even the local wines are more than what we would pay for the same import in the US. So biggest shock to our transition... we need to curb our eating and drinking habits fast whilst on the road, or we’ll be back on the doorsteps of our relatives at home seeking jobs in the next few months!