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Travel is Freedom! "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." - Mark Twain

Trip: Laos

There are [6] stories from my trip: Laos

4,000 Islands-- Dragged by another Canoe

LAOS | Sunday, 29 Jul 2007 | Views [588]

After a dissapointing 2-day trip into the Bolaven Plateau, I headed to the 4,000 islands (in the Mekong River) in the south of Laos with Becky (Brit) and Jenna (American).  The place was stunning and I really enjoyed my time there.  I've been waking ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Meditation After-Effects

LAOS | Wednesday, 25 Jul 2007 | Views [627]

So I've been trying to meditate every day, but it's really only happening every OTHER day for about 40 minutes....not bad.  I've definitely noticed changes in myself since the retreat finished.  I'm definitely not as forgetful and scatter-brained as usual ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Vientiene to Pakse

LAOS | Tuesday, 24 Jul 2007 | Views [552]

I had a very good day in Vientiene yesterday, way better than expected, actually! Bought some stuff at the morning market, then I went to a temple with a "spa" of sorts on the grounds...I know, weird.  But it was an herbal sauna (very naturally ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Vang Vieng, Laos

LAOS | Sunday, 22 Jul 2007 | Views [426]

Vang Vieng was amazing, I'm so glad I went there.  There are these huge limestone mountains with the river running through and layers and layers of green rice paddies.....I rented a tuk-tuk and had the driver take me out to where people were transplanting ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Wash the Elephant

LAOS | Thursday, 19 Jul 2007 | Views [512]

Out of the town of Luang Prabang, I spent two days on a nice trip....first mountain biking for 2 hours out to an elephant camp where we rode an elephant for an hour...I'd done it before so it wasn't that great, but the lodge was nice and I stayed out ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

2 Days in Luang Prabang

LAOS | Tuesday, 17 Jul 2007 | Views [448]

I've had a great time here in Luang Prabang, norhern Laos on the banks of the Mekong River.  It's an old French-colonial city that is a Unesco World Heritage Site, so it gets a lot of money for upkeep and restoration, and it's simply beautiful.  It's ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

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