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Travel is Freedom! "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." - Mark Twain

About lauramc

My name is Laura. I teach Japanese to junior high school students in Chicago.  In the summers, I travel and do photography!  Sometime soon, I would like to start taking students to experience travel and volunteer work in developing countries.  I find that some of my students do not have much motivation to study, and they believe that acquiring material things will make them happy.  I hope to help them see that there are many different ways they could live their lives, that there are so many realities out there.  But first they have to get out and see those realities, meet people who are happy yet have very little, people who light candles in night school when the power goes out-- so that they can keep learning.  Travel can inspire them, motivate them, help them see how wasteful we are in  America, how few material goods they need to be happy.  This is what I'd like to do next.  Pass on the beauty and life-changing gift of travel, get more young Americans out of the country, and inspire them.  In the meantime, I am photographing life in Asia and sharing it with my students and those around me!  Visit my photography website at:  www.lauramcglone.com

About lauramc

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