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Lauren's Space "Shenonkablonk."

July 3rd, Wednesday

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 4 July 2008 | Views [583] | Comments [1]

In Hyde Park

Awwwww In Hyde Park

Hyde Park, Starbucks, and Oxford Street
I awoke this morning in the early hours, around 5am or 6am and am mirauously still awake and it is currently about 11pm over here right now. So if there are typos and mistakes then you can't blame me. I'd use the excuse of jetlag but I'm not really jetlagged at all, except for waking up at that inhumane insane hour this morning. Parci is a bit jetlagged but I shake him every time he falls asleep. Very good system.
TODAY! Yes, today. Walking. Constantly. I think I have burned about a million calories or carbs or whatever they are. There was an email from Emily this orning saying her cousin was sick so she couldn't meet up until tonight, so Parci and I walked to Hyde Park and spent about an hour or more wandering aroudn there taking photos of things. There were some really mangy dogs. One of them looked like the werewolf/professor lupin out of Harry Potter in my opinion. So many dogs! And grasshoppers! I want to attempt to upload some photos from today. Parci took some really nice ones.
After we'd walked around that humungus park (it should just be a suburb really. its too big to be called a park...) we/parci and his internal gps mind, found oxford street. Shops! We spent all day in this street and still didnt go to the end. they need travelators in this street, like they have in Singapore airport. Shopping would be so much easier. We found a shop called Primark and Oh. My. Gosh. Women go nuts in there. they have HUGE shopping baskets (actually, theyre big bags that r see thru so u can see if u have more stuff in there than everyone else.). And these women are grabbing everything! I admit, things were really quite well priced but still! This place was constantly full! Everyone was carrying a bag from there. So, I decided I absolutely had to purchase something from there so I broke the budget and spent £1.50 on a pair of undies that has robots all over it and says 'i love boy pants'. I was the only one in the store with ONE purchase. People get really rude in these shops though, they push and shove to get into lines and grab everything. The ladies in front of me had these big bags FULL of stuff each and I was there holding one pair of pants. The lady at the register looked at my big purchase of the day for a few seconds before she realised that yes, this really was all I was getting. But five minutes later I was quite happy because I could say I bought something from this huge department fashion store, even if it was one of the cheapest items there.
After this we carried on down the road and had starbucks. We went for a large hot chocolate and shared it. (They're big =_=)
Then we kept walking (poor parci) and I bought two singlets from a Sprit store for £6 each. Then we went into big music store and I bought Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind movie for £3. I like that movie ^^ parci bought nothing but spent a long time drooling over the stuff and games there. It started to rain after this and we got quite wet. but i had my awesome raincoat with me so i was fine. we walked back through Hyde Park and got back to hotel around 7pm and left again at 8 to meet Emily for more starbucks. she couldnt stay long and then dashed off coz her bus went past the cafe. parci and i then ate fish and chips for dinner and came back here!! and i wrote this!!
Right, well, that was todays fine adventures. Going to attempt uploading some photos now. tomorrow we are walking along the Thames and seeing London Eye and Bridge and Tower and any other London stuff.
Bye for now!!!
Love London Lauren xxx
and parci




Wow Princess you look terrific and having a lot of fun also, you will have a good time at London bridge and seeing the parliament house. Are you guys going on that big Milenium wheel thing? and getting a photo at Buckingham Palace with the guards out the front??
Both take care

  Dad Jul 4, 2008 9:49 AM



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