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Myanmar water fighting

MYANMAR | Monday, 5 May 2014 | Views [559]

When people ask me what my favourite country is, of course I say well, it's difficult, they're all so different! But really, I have kind a favourite for certain things like food, scenery etc. As an overall country to visit, Myanmar is most definitely ... Read more >

Photos: Myanmar

MYANMAR | Tuesday, 29 Apr 2014 | Photo Gallery

A beautiful country with beautiful people :) Highly recommend a visit!!!
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Paradise Cave and the middle of nowhere

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 9 Apr 2014 | Views [269]

After a severly rickety ride (we ended up in the back again, good thing we have strong stomachs, even hungover!), a confusing stop for lunch and purple ice cream, some already breathtaking views and changing buses, we made it to the cave site. And promptly ... Read more >

Photos: Hue

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 9 Apr 2014 | Photo Gallery

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And a "Hue" we go!

VIETNAM | Sunday, 6 Apr 2014 | Views [452]

I admit, I've been dying to use that terrible joke for a long time, since we left on a motorbike from Hoi An, heading to Hue. I'm not apologizing :P First of all, the drive along the coast and through the mountains (people throw that word around a ... Read more >

Quaint little Hoi An

VIETNAM | Saturday, 5 Apr 2014 | Views [1142]

Once Tom got his bag back, it was such a relief to be in Hoi An. I decided not to be sick anymore and had the best pizza ever for dinner (didn't quite feel up to local food yet), we stayed a bit out of the centre so it was quieter and not nearly as tacky.... Read more >

Nah Trang.

VIETNAM | Saturday, 5 Apr 2014 | Views [408]

Not much to say about Nah Trang, it was a series of unfortunate events for both of us. Phone/iPod stolen, hand nicely sprained, sick for about 4 days and bag almost lost forever on the night bus from hell. We walked on the beach but I was too ill ... Read more >

Tags: beach, illness

Photos: Ha Long Bay

VIETNAM | Saturday, 5 Apr 2014 | Photo Gallery

2 days one night, a little bit of mist, some giant rocks and some cool people!
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Dalat: a breath of fresh mountain(ish) air

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 2 Apr 2014 | Views [617]

When we arrived in Dalat it was around 5AM and already clear we were at a higher altitude. I borrowed my friend's coat, not having my scarf handy. We were meant to have a free shuttlebus to our hostel but it looked like they were fillling up pretty quickly ... Read more >

Tags: canyoning, mountains, nature, trekking

Ho Chi Mihn (Saigon) and bubble tea

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 26 Mar 2014 | Views [912]

I became a bit obsessed with bubble tea at this point. I'd seen a couple places in Phnom Penh but never at the right time so had gotten the idea really fixed in my head. So it was very convenient when the shuttlebus from our highway bus (huh? I'm confused ... Read more >

Tags: big city

Across the border, hello Vietnam!...Maybe?

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 26 Mar 2014 | Views [410]

Our trek to Vietnam could've been nicer. Turns out the tour staff had accidentally (?) switched the amounts of time we'd be on the bus/boat across the border, so that instead of an hour on a bus and a few on a boat, it was the opposite and therefore ... Read more >

Photos: Da Lat

VIETNAM | Monday, 24 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery

nature! and scary activities
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Photos: Ho Chi Mihn City (Saigon)

VIETNAM | Sunday, 23 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery

Cool city! Great vibe, lots of motorcycles
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Tintin in Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 23 Mar 2014 | Views [1276]

Yep, apparently our friend Tintin was here, hiding from the enemy Khmer Rouge...or so says the tank top I searched high and low to find, and also a few ceramic picture plates they had around at the markets. Sadly, the Khmer Rouge isn't really just ... Read more >

Tags: big city, tuktuks

Koh Rong-wait, you turn electricity OFF at night?!

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2014 | Views [866]

Koh Rong has probably the most beautiful beaches I will ever see in my entire life. Seriously. The pictures do not do it justice, although of course I will post them anyway. To get there you can take one of several ferries from Sihanoukville. I took ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, camping, drinking games, trekking

Sihanoukville sucks you in

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2014 | Views [1421]

Sihanoukville was my next stop, on the South-Western coast. The idea was just to spend maybe a day on the beach and a day diving. A week later, somehow I was still there-and this is a very common story. Already some people I‘d met had made me vow ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, partying, suntanning

Photos: Sihanoukville/ Koh Rong

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 5 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery

Beachy beach beach!!!
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Photos: Angkor/Siem Reap

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 26 Feb 2014 | Photo Gallery

All I can say is amazing!
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Bangkok- round 2

THAILAND | Sunday, 23 Feb 2014 | Views [305]

Well I didn't get scammed this time. That's a plus. Rode my first motorcycle taxi, in a tired haze from the train station to Khaosan Road. That was terrifying but fun. Had a few drinks in the evenings while icing my poor sprained pinky toe. Saw a cool ... Read more >

Clambering over ruins in Angkor (Siem Reap)

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 23 Feb 2014 | Views [551]

So, my original plan was Cambodia for maybe a week, tops, I pretty much just planned to hit the Angkor Temples and then pass on through. Well… I got a bit stuck. In a good way! Mostly. It didn’t start out great, honestly. My first meal in ... Read more >

Tags: illness, ruins

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