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Morning Prayer

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 24 November 2009 | Views [180]

The Lord is good.  I relate to Him most as the Creator for I see Him each day, smell His creation, feel the dirt He has made inbetween my fingers and toes, listen to the birds sing the most beautiful songs.  He is so beautiful for although I don't see Him, I see what He creates, what springs forth from his hands, how His passion and love has made so many beautiful places and people and how His faithfulness paints the sky in colors that make me feel like I can fly each night as the earth turns away from the sun.  I love that His laws are rather simple.  How life is sustained by the sun, water and plants.

I read this morning,

"Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life.  It was shining like crystal and was flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the street of the city.  The tree of life was on each side of the river.  It produces fruit 12 times a year, once each month.  The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." -Revelation

Ezekiel 47 paints this image as well.

My prayer this morning is this: that we God's children can go into His creation and see the works of His hands, the magic of life that surrounds us.  That we can become a part of it and give thanks to the one who gives us life.  That we can see His creativity and beauty in every smile.  May the wind carry my prayer, may the birds sing of it and the sun kiss the hearts of those who need it right now.



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