About 2 weeks ago I spent a long weekend in Karuna Falls solar eco-village wwoofing. This weekend was my favorite weekend in New Zealand so far. Here is my journal entry from that timel:
Pure energy has filled me and my inspiration of this place and the people here is of the highest. I sit now with a waterfall behind me and one dropping below me. The Goddess of the Falls, the last Kaori tree standing in this land is beside me watching over the water, glowing in the afternoon sunlight. The mountain before me is lined with trees and solar powered houses are tucked into its crevaces and the valley below. The people that live in these sustainable homes call themselves hobbits.
Stephanie is our wwoof host and such an example to me of the woman I one day want to be. Her parents died when she was 20 so she felt as if the world was her home and spent her youth travelling before her partner and her decided to plant themselves here with a vision for the community in the 70s. Others with a repsect and love for the land and desire to live together came and joined them. Stephanie told me that she started with a pair of old boots and nothing more. Over the years she has taught herself everything and built the home we have gardened around this weekend, shared many wholesome meals together in and had a candle-lit birthday celebration for Katie last night with many instruments, a lot of old and wise hippies, Kat, Jeanna, and the other wwoofer Adrian who is from France and decided to join our odd little family. We will be leaving tomorrow and going to pick asparagus for a week to make some extra money.
I believe that I will return to this place and I know that my vision for my own life is starting to unravel further in my imagination.