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Back in Canada once again

CANADA | Friday, 18 April 2008 | Views [671]

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that I'm back in Canada already. For God's sake, I still have Central American dirt on my feet! How can I have come so far in two days?

I stayed in Bocas del Toro, Panama, for 6 nights, sleeping maybe 3 hours a night all week. Definitely my favorite place in Central America, for so many reasons! I awoke at 11:30AM on the fifteenth and packed my stuff quickly, following the group of Kiwis to the boat. The owner of the hostel, the girl who worked at the front desk, and the three remaining people of our group looked shocked as I threw my stuff into my backpack in a rush. "You're not actually leaving, are you?" they each asked doubtedly. I have tried to leave three times this week and failed every time- I'd live in this hostel if I could!

"My flight leaves in less than 22 hours and I'm in the wrong country," was my reply.

High fives and hugs crossed the air and soon I was on the boat leaving the island. I crossed the Costa Rica-Panama border for the fourth time in two months and hopped onto a bus to San Jose. I arrived at 9:30 and promptly passed out, waking up far later than I'd expected and realizing that I didn't know which airline was mine, exactly what time my flight was, or how I was getting to the airport.

Ten minutes on the computer and everything was packed again and I was in a taxi to the airport with two other backpackers.

I landed in Atlanta that evening and remained on a bench, trying to reach out for sleep for the entire 13-hour layover. It was -502484 degrees in the airport and I was in pj pants and a tank top. Not fun. I slept maybe two or three hours off-and-on the whole time.

I got the privilege of sitting next to (this part is frighteningly exactly the same as my flight from Seattle to Atlanta on my way here) a young mother with her two young, out-of-control children, who she spoke both English and Spanish to. Seriously. EXACTLY the same as my flight here, we all even sat in the same aisle! Scary. Annoying. But it was fine.

I got to Seattle and flitted around the airport in lost confusion for nearly an hour. Somehow located the bathroom, ATM (which didn't work with my card) and payphone, and then eventually the taxi.

Took my $40 cab to the Greyhound station then realized I had $1 American on me. And that was it. So I went to four different ATM's. Congratulations, Kirsten; your Visa has exceeded its limit and you have no money on your debit card.


Long (looong) story short, I burst into tears. Taxi driver turned out to be a saint and gave me his address so I can mail him the fare when I get the money (seriously! WHO DOES THAT! NICEST MAN EVER!). Phoned home and mom's work in desperation, no one picked up.

I was stranded in America with no money. Hadn't showered in four days, eaten in twelve hours, or slept more than 3 hours a night in 9 days.

With incredible luck, the heavens blessed me that day (probably karma for putting up with that girl and her kids on the plane). I discovered the Greyhound ticket I'd purchased months ago, from Seattle to Vancouver. Forgot about that one. I handed it to the lady, and as it turned out the guy who sold me the ticket had put the date down for April 17th (that day) and 12:30pm. I looked at the clock. It was 12:25pm.

When I got to Vancouver I pulled out my money belt. Surprise! $20 American!!!!!

I managed to get a hold of Anjulie from the payphone and found myself at her work downtown. She walked with me to Brett's work, and the three of us freaked out in an explosion of hugs and rainbows. We got a MASSIVE dinner and spent the night drinking and snacking in a group of six on Brett's bed. I slept a GOOD ten hours. Now I'm at Brett's amazing down town apartment for three days before I have to go home to Kamloops and face the dreaded reality of a job.

Life is perfect, everyone, and I thank you so much for keeping up on my blog all these months!! Wishing you the best of luck with all of your endeavors, I hope your skies are sunny and your feet are tired!

Plans for the future? Move to Kamloops for a month or two, pay off my maxed-out Visa and save up a bit of cash. Move to Vancouver this summer, go to college until February. Maybe go to Panama for two weeks with Anjulie in the spring (the stories made her really excited) and DEFINITELY go to Europe in the summer to see everyone.

So good luck, much love, and hopefully it won't be too long before I'm having more travel blogs up!

Paz y amor!




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