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Buses,Mango Cake, Coconut Buns, Roosters, dogs and Bat Shit- Wayne

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 27 June 2014 | Views [1735] | Comments [3]

Kirsten is giving an update of the happenings over the past 3-4 days (or is it 8-10 days???) so I will throw a few bullets at you about the things we have seen and experienced so far:- SAGADA a) when we got there (about 3500 people) we went and registered in the tourism office which is necessary to take any of the tours. Lady was very nice and I asked her where we could go to get a beer. She had no idea so had to go ask someone...I am assuming she is new there....or doesn't drink

b) Sagada'spopulation should be doubled as I have never seen so many dogs or roosters in my life. Our guide told us no one leashes their animals so they have the run of the town. There is a 9 PM curfew but it does not apply to the dogs and roosters. All throughout the night the roosters crow and then the dogs join which makes it very loud and a little tricky to sleep...all part of the experience. I will need “white noise” like this when I get back to Kamloops. Will ask Donna to start rooster shopping immediately -

c) The townis very well known for 1) being a backpacker mecca. I did not know what this really meant before but it basically means that everything is very cheap and VERY laid back. The people are hospitable and easy to deal with about anything. We LOVED it there! 2) Being the Pot capital....when in Rome....

d) Went tothe Kimchi bar and chatted with the Owner Frank for 3 hours. Bob Marley pictures everywhere and his music playing constantly. Bottlecaps for curtains and floors that will set you on your face quickly after a few beers. Great guy, well traveled and an excellent host. There was another bar attached to it with music playing and lights flashing but it had a padlock on the door. Came back to Kimji the next day but it was padlocked and the other bar was open so we hung out there with a group of friends...I think there is a system to the bat opening hours but couldn't stay any longer to figure it out.

e) Kirsten and I went for a walk for about 2 hours as soon as we came to town. Found Sagada pottery out of town but the building looked like it had been shut down for 10 years as it was falling down. We could not find anyone around but it was listed as one of the sights. However, there was another sign for a place called the Cellar Door that had a great selection of imported beer and wine. We started following the signs and they went on forever! Every time we'd get to a corner where we thought it was there was another sign. This continued for about 1/2-3/4 kilometer into the woods and I was starting to suspect that a) we were being videotaped for an episode of Punked or b) two guys with banjo's were going to jump out of the trees and say how cute I was or c) I was on an old episoe of the Twighlight Zone. However, neither happened and we found the place deep in the woods along beautiful rock paths that I could never walk if I was drinking. Kirsten uploaded a few pictures to Facebook but just getting there was an adventure

f) met a girl from Ireland and Kirsten and myself had a great breakfast with her. Then met a group at the tourism office and had dinner and drinks with them that night. It was my first UN gropu meeting as had a girl from Scotland, girl from Quebec, guy from England and then another from the Netherlands. Everyone is looking to meet and chat with people about their adventures and it is so much fun. When you see them the next day it's like you have been friends for life

g) Prices are unbelievably cheap. I bought a round when we went to the bar the other night (not something poor backpackers usually do). There were 6 of us and we had two beers each, total tab was 350P or $10! Our Hostel was 1000P for both of us for 2 nights which is about $30. Please remember this is not the Hilton. It had hot or cold water...he key word there was “or” as you couldn't mix them together. You could have one or the other. I love backpacking.

h) caving was unbeievable! Have never done it and never wanted to but thought we'd push things a little more after I survived the diving. Rock formations were hard to imagine, we rappelled, waded through chest deep water, climbed tires to get to various levels, jumped rosks (thank God for all that training jumping rocks in Flatrock Newfoundland) and walked mostly in our bare feet as they grip better than shoes or flip flops. There were hundreds of bats on the ceiling that we could see with a light...and that was the GOOD part! In the one area there was batshit everywhere and your choices were to slip on it or grab hold of the rocks covered with batshit to keep from falling...you quickly learn to appreciate batshit! Donna, please check at Walmart and see what removes Batshit and buy 2 bottles.

i) Had a long busride back to Baguio with a number of other backpackers. This group were from Israel, Austria (wore a t-shirt that said "we have no kangaroos in Austria" because she has been confused so much with Australia) and Italy. When we stopped for a break we bought snacks like mango cake and coconut bread. Everyone shared their food so we all got to sample it. It was a good way to travel. 

j) rode another bus to Mainla the next day and then had to call Donna to book us a flight to Ceu City as the syatem kept crashing...thanks Hon!!! Got to airport just in time and landed around 9. Went on the rooftop bar at the hotel (we splurged and blew $30 on a room) for a quick beer and met Michael and Martha from Poland. Finally went to bed at 2 after 5 hours of laughing and drinking. Had breakfast with them and they gave us some great travel tips about wehere we are heading next.

And last of all, you know when you have stayed too many nights in cherap hostels when you decide to spend $30 on a room, walk in and the first thing you notice is that a) it has toilet paper and b) you will likely steal it and take it to the next hostel with you!  That's all for now.




Super funny Wayne! Lol!

  Joe Jun 28, 2014 9:15 AM


So happy u both are enjoying ur trip. Sounds like fun for a day or 2. Xo miss u.

  donna Jun 28, 2014 9:29 PM


So much fun! Love the post! Cant wait to see what kind of rooster Donna buys you Wayne! Cheers from Argentina!

  Nicole Jul 30, 2014 12:31 PM



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