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AdventurSpirit Travel memories fade fast if not recorded. This is an account of my travels - and adventure spirit...


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "family".

Eurotrip Prequel..... Prissy's first Spore experience

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 25 Jun 2008 | Views [2156]

Left Melbourne on the 3.30pm flight…… goodbye Melbourne, bye house, bye Snoopy and MistyKashmir…. See you in a month. *sob*   Arrived on time in Singapore at 9pm local time. Went back to mum and dad’s dropped our stuff. Vince ... Read more >

Tags: eating & sightseeing, family

Singapore - CNY Dinner

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 17 Feb 2007 | Views [1477]

3pm Singapore time - Im here!!!!!! Mum and dad were wraptd that I got back in time for CNY dinner. We love kim chi, but you have to admit, too much of a good thing can really get ya!! Afterall, we were all 'kim-chied' out. So we decided to have Boon ... Read more >

Tags: family

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