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For The Memories, Babe Finding myself in a rut, I've decided to try something new. Or a few things new actually. I've taken a job as an au pair. And moved to a different country. And don't know anyone else. And am directionally impaired. Here goes nothing...

Laughing Anyway

NETHERLANDS | Sunday, 24 February 2008 | Views [999] | Comments [2]

So even though I completely wiped out on the stupid buckfeet and still can't fully extend my bruised and gashed leg without it hurting, I haven't stopped laughing all day I don't think. I'm addicted to this podcast called "Never Not Funny". It's free on iTunes, so no one has an excuse to miss it.

Also, I have a day off tomorrow, so I'll be setting out again to experience Holland. This time, I'm using a new resource, couchsurfing.com. It's really cool and worth checking out. Basically it's a community of people that like to travel who offer up their couches for the night so you don't have to stay in hostels or expensive hotels. Other people are on there who offer to meet for a cup of coffee or whatever and play tour guide. I'm meeting one such fellow tomorrow in Utrecht for some sightseeing. Since last time it took so long to find the castle, I didn't have a chance to see the city at all. It's the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, with a the country's largest university. I may even look into taking a class or something while I'm here to give me kind of a routine way to meet some people. Who knows.

Anyway, things for people to work on: everyone needs to download Skype; Lauren needs to send me those books; everyone should think about things for me to do in Brussels; leave me comments on my blog :)

Nice that I feel selfish enough that I can leave commands for people when I'm the one that is inconveniencing, right :)

Miss you all!

Fin, for now.

Tags: Laughter



Make sure he doesn't change his voice to sound like a four year old :) The Nether-people are a tricky people... Also, thanks for making a call all the way to the states to check up on me :) It meant a lot. Also, I now have an Rx for the hot flashes I am having... VERY often...

  Kera Feb 26, 2008 3:53 AM


Well if you can smoke loads of ol' pot in Brussels I'd say that would be nice. If not eat some Brussels sprouts, and drink some Belgium coffee.

  Michael Feb 27, 2008 5:17 AM



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