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Incidents of Travel in Central and South America 2010

Trip: Guatemala

There are [9] stories from my trip: Guatemala

Photos: Guatemala

GUATEMALA | Sunday, 10 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

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GUATEMALA | Friday, 1 Oct 2010 | Views [363]

Hi everyone, this is just a quick blog to let everyone know that although there are landslides here at the moment we are both fine. Right now we are still in Panajachel and are meant to leave tomorrow morning, but I don´t think we will be going anywhere ... Read more >

The Lady with the Shawl

GUATEMALA | Friday, 24 Sep 2010 | Views [901] | Comments [1]

It has been a couple of weeks since I've blogged, so sorry about that. We haven't really doing any exciting travel so I though that I'd just combine the last 2 weeks in one blog. The lab work has finally come to an end and we are now at the feast in ... Read more >

The Feast of Trumpets

GUATEMALA | Saturday, 11 Sep 2010 | Views [663] | Comments [1]

Our adventure in Guatemala City began with me wanting to accompany April on her Holy Day quest to find the service of the Feast of Trumpets here in Guatemala City. "The Feast of Trumpets introduces the autumn festivals—representing the culmination ... Read more >

Back to work...

GUATEMALA | Wednesday, 8 Sep 2010 | Views [396]

Semuc Champey was amazing!!! First of all we got to ride in the back of a pick-up truck to the caves, which was a lot of fun considering the road was bearly wide enough for 1 car let alone when you had to pass someone else. Then we had to traverse a waterfall ... Read more >

Sickness, Spanish, and saying goodbye

GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 17 Aug 2010 | Views [438] | Comments [1]

Wednesday was not a good day for me...I think I may have gotten food poisoning on Tuesday night, so I was down for the count on Wednesday not even able to get out of bed. It was the worst feeling as you could probably imagine if you have ever had food ... Read more >

Volcan San Pedro

GUATEMALA | Wednesday, 11 Aug 2010 | Views [488] | Comments [1]

One week down and one more to go in San Pedro and Spanish school. Its amazing how quickly we are learning Spanish, i was beginning to think that my brain had absorbed all it ws ever going to...the words are finally sinking in. Spanish is actually a really ... Read more >

First week in San Pedro - Esceula de Español

GUATEMALA | Sunday, 8 Aug 2010 | Views [435]

All I have to say is that San Pedro is amazing!! It is so nice to wake up every day to a beautiful view, knowing that you get to spend the morning learning Spanish and waste away the afternoon drinking licuados and trying to do Spanish homework while ... Read more >

Guatemala, Field School, and San Pedro

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 31 Jul 2010 | Views [548]

So...where to begin. Well its been over 6 weeks since April and I left Australia off on our wonderful adventure to Central America. I'm sorry i've been so lazy and not started writing this blog earlier, but in fact we have been extremely busy. The field ... Read more >