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Incidents of Travel in Central and South America 2010

Sickness, Spanish, and saying goodbye

GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 17 August 2010 | Views [453] | Comments [1]

Wednesday was not a good day for me...I think I may have gotten food poisoning on Tuesday night, so I was down for the count on Wednesday not even able to get out of bed. It was the worst feeling as you could probably imagine if you have ever had food poisoning before. So while I was in bed all day, April went to school in the morning and then that night went out for dessert with Alisha, who was the other student staying with her family, as it was her last night in San Pedro. Thursday was better for me and I was able to go to class in the morning. April told this crazy story to my techer that I had disappeared and that was why I was not at class the day before..I dont really think she got the joke at first, she seemed a little confused until Aprils teacher explained to her that April is quite fond of telling jokes. That afernoon April and another student from the Spanish school, Tor, went horse riding (I didn´t think my stomach could handle a horse ride) along the shore of the lake. Apparently they had a good time except for their horses trying to kill each other and Tor´s horse almost falling over...
Friday was the last day of classes for me at the Spanish school, but April thinks she may stay until Wednesday to learn a little more Spanish. The class was good, but at the half time break I had to do a little speack in Spanish when I received my certificate and that was a little embarassing, but I got through it. It seems that sickness must come in pairs because today April got sick, but not food poisoning, more like the flu. So much for gettting the flu vaccination....it apparently does nothing!!! She was out all day like me and couldn´t get out of bed. I just spent the afternoon at the school doing my report (yeah I know, I´m still a nerd even in Guatemala) and chatting with Tor who was leaving the following day. 
Once again April spent the whole day in bed on Saturday, but she did feel better which was a good sign. Apparently it is really boring stying inside all day, especially when there is no tv. Also the amount of noise that comes from the street is unimaginable! The house is surrounded by schools, in which the children have a passion for playing the trumpet and drums (really loudly!), it is also surrounded by churches, whose congregation sings all day long, on top of that the children play basketball up until about 10pm, and there is always the chance you´ll hear the street cats fighting; meowing so loudly that it sounds like one is eating the other one. So with all that noise there is no silence to rest. So my Saturday was pretty lazy...i spent the morning reading and talking with April and the in the afternoon I went to check out hotels because we were moving out of our house on Sunday. It was strange to be able to ask the guy information in Spanish, actually a little bit fun. It seems that I have learn´t quite a lot in 2 weeks!!
On Sunday morning April and I moved out of the host families house and into a hotel. It was a little sad, but we were both ready to leave and be on our own for a while. The hotel is right by the water and the view is amazing! There are hamocks out the front and its so much quieter than the center of town...we are really looking forward to the next few days. We spent the day going to the shop and buying our granola and chocolate milk for breakfast, then went back to the hotel, relaxed, listened to music, and looked out over the water for the entire afternoon....magic!
Sorry if the blog is a little boring of late, we´ll be travelling around from now on so there will be heaps more to tell. 



Hi Cathrine,
Keep up the writing its good to hear what you two are doing. It fills in the blanks between when April emails. Its great ot hear you are doing so well in spanish there is nothing like being immersed in the culture to speed up learning. We ae hoping to get our sattalite broadband soon as its a bit of a pain waiting minutes for each photo to download. Have fun
Regards Neil

  Neil Lawry Aug 18, 2010 9:53 PM

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