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Incidents of Travel in Central and South America 2010

I guess I lied...

MEXICO | Monday, 1 November 2010 | Views [533] | Comments [1]

Ok I know I titled the last blog as the last entry from Mexico, but something happened that I must tell. We had our first bribe experience; something that I thought would have happened long before now. Ok so we were moving hotels in Mexico City, Rob was driving and he did an illegal left hand turn right into the street where the transit police were. So he told us to pull over and we did...the funny thing was he didn't speak any English and we pretended not to speak any Spanish at all hoping he would let us off. But he didn't and said it would be 2000 pesos which is like $200. But he just wanted us to give him the money so we said no then he called his commander and we spoke to him, but his English wasnt much better. We´d read that you should always ask for a ticket and not just give money out so we did that and he had to ask some other cop about it, but then rob opened his wallet because he knew he only had 70 pesos in it and said this is all ive got...take it or leave it. He said it wasn´t enough so Amy said she had 200. I couldn´t believe we were bargaining for a bribe it was quite amusing. In the end he said he´d take the 270 pesos as a bribe and not give us a ticket....so that was that. All in all, a new experience to mark off the list, I just cant believe it happened 1 day before we had to return the car...Ironic much!




So I have spent my whole day Saturday catching up with your adventures in Central America and cannot stop reading. It sounds like you are having the time of your life visiting every archaeological site humanly possible and enjoying the culture.

  Paulo Dec 5, 2010 11:18 AM

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