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Incidents of Travel in Central and South America 2010

Last blog from Mexico

MEXICO | Saturday, 30 October 2010 | Views [481]

Oaxaca is really nice, I think it is my favourite city that we've been to. Today April and I went to Monte Alban, which is a Zapotec site. It was really hot but we were really impressed; it's way different to Maya sites. April, Rob and Amy had a really big night last night and didn't get back to the hotel until about 4am (I was boring and didn't go out), but they had a fun night of dancing and experiencing Mexican nightlife. The said it was really different than going out in Australia. Everyone was dancing the salsa and the funny thing was all the guys were asking Rob if they could dance with the girls. Its just such a different culture here. We stayed in Oaxaca for the next couple of nights and found this really cute little cafe that had cool pictures on the wall and really good crepes and cocktails, we made it a habit of going there for dessert every night. They also had shishas (which is where you have this thing that looks like a bong, but it has a flavoured jam stuff that you put under a charcoal brick and smoke it). Dont worry parentals, its not drugs at all; just makes you feel a little light headed.
We left Oaxaca on Tuesday for Mexico City and decided to take the toll road as it was much quicker and we keep getting lost when we enter towns; so this way we avoided that. We were fine once we got to Mexico City and our map ran out...Lonely Planet really let us down. But eventually we made it and found a hotel that seemed ok. On Wednesday we went to Teotihuacan and once again got lost on the way there. It was about 3pm when we went in, but it wasn´t that big so we were ok. It was amazing, but somewhat disappointing at the same time. I didn´t have big expectations because I knew pretty much what it looked like, but still its not as good as a Maya site. I think it was the lack of sculpture and hieroglyphs and the fact that the atmosphere was totally different. There wern´t that many tourists so that was a good point, but there were heaps of people selling stuff, which is kinda annoying. We all know that I love the jungle, and Teotihuacan is in the middle of the desert...its quite different and I much prefer the jungle.
Over all, Mexico City seems just like Melbourne to me. The people are really different and the city is so modern; I actually like it, but I do feel a little unsafe at times. There are always plenty of men who whistle and call out stuff; everyone always blames it on me and my hair, but I doubt its me all the time. Anyways, we had to change hotels after 3 nights because it was booked out for the day of the dead festival on the 1st and 2nd of November. Both places are pretty nice though.
Rob flies out on Sunday back to Australia and April, Amy and I fly to Ecuador on the Monday, so thats going to be really different. Got nothing planned yet for South America, but we are looking forward to something different.


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